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Do you have a little extra time or energy to help around your neighborhood? Might I suggest The Royal Oak Rotary Club. They are growing and redefining what it means to volunteer and give back to our community. Ray Opezzo has reinvigorated this community, non-profit and leads by emphasizing their Four-Way Test: Is it Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill & better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Your talents could be used in so many ways including: to mentor high school students, collaborate with other local organizations, raise money for scholarships and stay keen on important issues that face the city. Want to know more? RoyalOakRotary.com #RotaryClubofRoyalOak #ChefStef #ForgottenHarvest #SalvationArmy #BlessingInABackPack #RoyalOakMayor #RedKettles #Gleaners #RoyalOakChamber #TAGMultiMedia

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