Effective communication is the backbone of any successful organization. #AutomatingEmails and text messaging to employees simplifies internal communication and ensures that important updates are delivered consistently and on time. ??? Benefits: ???Efficiency: Automate routine emails such as policy updates, meeting reminders, and important announcements. ???Consistency: Ensure every employee receives the same information simultaneously. ???Customization: Tailor messages to specific departments or teams for targeted communication. Imagine there's a change in the age limit for #DependentCoverage in your company's health insurance policy. We can help you set up an automated email to notify the employee about the upcoming change and provide them with options to prepare. Set it and forget it! _________________________________ Example of a preset automated email - Subject: ?? Important Update: Change in Dependent Coverage Age Limit Hi (Employee Name) We wanted to let you know that you currently have a dependent who is covered under your plan who will soon be turning 26.? Dependents are eligible for coverage until they reach the age of 26. ?We understand that this transition can be challenging, and we want to ensure you have ample time to explore new coverage options. Here are a few steps you can take: ?1. Review Other Insurance Options: Consider individual health insurance plans available through the Health Insurance Marketplace or other private insurers. 2. Check Eligibility for Special Enrollment: Turning 26 qualifies for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing them to enroll in a new plan outside of the usual open enrollment period. 3. Explore Employer-Sponsored Plans: If they are employed, they may be eligible for health insurance through their own employer. ?If you have any questions or need assistance during this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to your #HRDirector.