“The Garden of Hope is a stewardly use of our property and acts as a clear and tangible way in which the church is serving the world.” — Joanna Wassenaar, garden volunteer, Covenant Christian Reformed Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Lesson 1 On Churches and Steeples: The Importance of the?Shepherd
Lesson 1 On Churches and Steeples: The Importance of the?Shepherd
Imagine your church is like a garden that you want to grow and cultivate. Just like a garden, your church needs the right framework and blueprint for growth. If you're a pastor with a small congregation, it's like starting with a few seeds in your garden. With the right plan and execution, those seeds can flourish and multiply, doubling the beauty and abundance of your garden.
Harvesters Ministries is currently planting churches globally at a rate of 100 per day. In this video, discover the method of multiplication church planting through evangelism, discipleship and pastoral training. https://lnkd.in/emQ5vwYC
Harvesters Church Planting Model 2024 - Harvesters Ministries
Evidence of property listed as abandoned on the Ontario Abandoned Property website (OAP) and the video footage of first visitation and the starting of cleaning process. You will see there was absolutely NO SIGN, to suggest NO trespassing. Until I put signage on the property. Also note trees that they claim i cut was trees that were already fallen, to which you will see in video 2. Any other trees are not trees that would consider as being malicious as these were merely bushes that got so huge we had to use chain saw to cut them, because machete were very tiring to use. Also note, the tree stumps that they claim to see under the container and at the front isn't from that property. A lady ask one of our member who does landscaping to remove a tree that she had cut in her back yard in brampton. We cut up the tree and took it to the property in questioned to store in the container to dry, so we could use it as natural resource to give and sell to people who may need firewood for barbecue next year. See links below. Abandoned proper https://lnkd.in/gyhhPJ9A First visit: https://lnkd.in/gnA4mdgp? si=kQZLq2hPmy_8vDS0 First major Cleaning process after sending out notices. https://lnkd.in/gkJ4cqeC? si=nojBlUCdGl0-cGEK Second major cleaning process: https://lnkd.in/gAZa9c6p Third major cleaning process: https://lnkd.in/gzN8FM9z Note well. The videos they claimed to have seen I with a pellet rifle on the property was because we weren't certain if we would have encountered any wild animal, as i mentioned in the first video. Also note i am a license firearm holder of a PAL and thought for my own safety to take my wife pellet gun in the event i encountered a wild animal. There was knowone occupying the abandoned property and I did not take a pellet gun to the abandoned property to hurt or commit harm to a man or woman, but to protect myself and workmen should a animal attack us. We are Lawful people just simply trying to build our community social and economic development based upon the rights that are afforded to us under the UN charters of Rights that the Corporation Canada signed an agreement to. https://lnkd.in/g6Mkkkjm
The Jamaican Maroons in Nova Scotia National Historic Event
Cattail is an #aquaticplant that reproduces so rapidly that populations can become problematic at times. But, they also serve as important #habitat for juvenile #fish, #macroinvertebrates, and #birds. https://lnkd.in/eUAjD2tj #MSAPMS #aquaticplants #cattails #birding
Plants of Louisiana
Church planting is hard but essential work. It isn’t enough to just recruit qualified men for this work—we must assess, support, and train them for the long haul. Acts 29 invests time, money, and resources into making sure our church planters are thoroughly prepared and theologically trained. Through Acts 29’s robust assessment process, church planters gain invaluable support and a realistic understanding of the journey ahead. Give to support church planters at acts29.com/give.
Sign the letter: Urge President Biden to Issue an Executive Order Stopping the Unlimited Killing of Wolves on Our Federal Public Lands https://shorturl.at/dpHWY The horrific destruction and abuse of wolves under state management is widespread and ongoing. The only way to stop this cruelty is to restore federal protection for wolves. Clearly, the states are unwilling to “responsibly” protect wolves and we cannot allow them to continue devastating these populations. On May 24, 2021, on a Brave Wilderness broadcast with Coyote Peterson, President Biden reported his grandkids were telling him “Pop, Pop, they’re killing all the wolves, Pop!” He pledged his support then to stop the destruction of wolves and it is time to hold him to this commitment. By executive order, he can enact federal protection for wolves today. “I’m in with you,” he pledged. We have waited long enough. Wolves cannot survive in this atmosphere of hate and limitless killing. We must act for Mercy’s sake and the hundreds of wolves and their pups facing death each day in the Northern Rockies. Share Our Video: https://lnkd.in/gNH-FfDz #Mercy4Wolves #Justice4WYWolf #WolvesBelong #OurPublicLands #StopTheWolfSlaughter #RelistWolvesNow #Coexistence #CoexistenceWorks #Coexistence4wolves
Howling for Mercy
Expanding Your Vision for Harvest: Unlocking Abundance in Your Family, Church, and City Discover how God's vision for harvest starts with the family, expands to churches, and reaches cities. Learn why asking for an ever-increasing vision is key to unlocking abundance and fruitfulness. Don't miss out on this inspiring message! #ExpandingVision #AbundanceUnlocked #HarvestBlessings #FamilyHarvest #ChurchGrowth #CityTransformation #GodsVision #Fruitfulness #AbundanceMindset #UnlockYourPotential
What does restoration look like? Restoration is both physical and relational. ARK base work to restore and reimagine church buildings into spaces that host and serve a community. The building and the community go hand in and hand, and the output is always to draw people into relationship and collaboration. #churchbuilding?#churchlife?#church?#churches?#churcharchitecture?#churchphotography?#churchflow?#churchresources?#churchrestorations?#churchbuildingproject?#churchbusiness