This is an open invitation for the Greater Houston Partnership to meet with parents who created a grassroots effort to defeat the bond. Let's work together to make incredible things happen.
Supporters of HISD Magnets and Budget Accountability的动态
Leading with Purpose and Unwavering Humanity for All. Challenging the Status Quo. Elevating the Customer Experience | LinkedIn Top Voice in Customer Service Training and Customer Service Management
Not what I planned on posting about today but... 4 years after changing the school names that honored Confederate leaders, the Shenandoah County school board?voted to change them back. Mountain View High School and Honey Run Elementary School will return to be known as - Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby-Lee Elementary School.? 3 men who fought to protect the institution of slavery in the United States. And it will cost the school district approximately $300,000 to make the changes. In 1860-61 South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, and Texas all presented "declaration of causes" for their secession from the United States and formation of the Confederacy. All included statements regarding slavery, including this one from Mississippi: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world." The State of Texas complained against the northern states: "They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books, and pictures to servile insurrection." This is only one county, in one state - we shouldn't generalize this as being a representation of the entire country - BUT, we shouldn't underestimate it's representation either. Open your eyes. #humanity #challengethestatusquo #ethicalleadership #slavery
Virginia school board votes to restore names of Confederate leaders to 2 schools
The past 10 years have seen a much-needed cultural shift—many middle-class and upper-middle-class families did not just immediately flee to the suburbs once their children reached school age, nor did they immediately put them into private schools. Young parents have chosen, instead, to stay in cities and send their kids to their local public schools. However, a recent lead-poisoning scandal in Oakland underscores a growing sense of hopelessness among families who are committed to school integration. “The vision of large, integrated city schools where children from all backgrounds learn together, form communities across class and racial lines, and share in a common trust requires buy-in from everyone, especially those with other options. But it is difficult in America to sell a gospel of self-sacrifice when it comes to children, especially when the district has problems as severe as repeated mass shootings and lead poisoning,” Jay Caspian Kang writes in his latest column.
Current: Freelance journalist with a focus on education, climate, and health. Versed in data. Former: PS teacher of teens and of teachers, human-centered design facilitator, simulation designer, non-profit director
In this piece, I explore 20 years of mayoral control in NYC - a system that has consistently diluted family/community voice and power.
New York City’s Last Dictatorship
What is Parent Power Worth? $28,000,000! In our latest contributor column, Kimi Kean from Families in Action for Quality Education argues that "it’s time to turn our frustration into political power and that organizing our parents is the solution." Read more via the link below. #charterschools #parentpower #edreform
CharterFolk Contributor Kimi Kean – What is Parent Power Worth? $28,000,000!
??? Massachusetts Ballot Question 2 could change graduation requirements by eliminating the MCAS exam as a statewide standard. With 25% of students in Massachusetts being Latino, this measure will have a significant impact on our community. ?? Download our nonpartisan voter guide to learn more about Question 2 and its potential impact:
What You Need to Know About Question 2 and Its Impact on Latino Student
When we say, "Create new narratives about education"... what exactly do we mean? ... Most parents and caregivers – and particularly White folks – would deny that racism plays any part in our decisions about where to send our children to school. Yet our narratives around “good” and “bad” schools are shot through with assumptions that involve race and perpetuate racially biased systems. And those narratives are the root of many conversations we hear among parents and caregivers- at the playground, the coffeeshop, in the comments on social media. That's why we have created resources like our Awkward Conversations Guide, that provide background for understanding the segregated state of education in this country, the value and promise of integration, and the ways that we can start changing the conversation about our schools. ... As summer progresses and we socialize and take time away from school buildings, we encourage all of us in this movement to consider the ways we can speak up for our system of public education as well as the promise of integration
Check out this piece by Jeremy Chan-Kraushar
Check out this article from our RE-Center Justice Magazine! "The Rise and Fall of NYC Public Schools’ Commitment to Equity" by Jeremy Chan-Kraushar.
The Rise and Fall of NYC Public Schools’ Commitment to Equity
In order to maintain a healthy democracy, Lauren Cristella, President and CEO of Committee of Seventy, and Farah Jiminez, President and CEO of Philadelphia Education Fund, provide an overview of key tools to attract young voters – civic engagement education, being open minded to other voters' perspectives, and doing the work to understand why two individuals may have differing opinions. Watch the clip below to see Lauren and Farah discuss this topic in greater detail.
??? Calling all advocates for educational equity! Our final webinar of the #RoadtoIntegration series, led by New York Appleseed and Texas Appleseed, is almost here. This time, it’s the students taking the lead. Register now to learn about the impact of school segregation from the youths' perspective and what we can do to create more welcoming schools: