2nd day at #APEC - Seminar "High-Power GaN Devices and Applications" by Davide Bisi. Nice and detailed explanation about different GaN technologies. Key takeaway: GaN could be interesting for solide state switches in future due to high electron mobility. - Discussion with Slobodan Cuk about topologies vs. devices. What comes first? - Daniel Friedrichs, Ph.D. presented in his planary presentation impressive requirements for power electronics to connect literally to patients. - David Perrault showed challenges and results of the design of a 10s of MHz 1kW converter. - Balu Balakrishnan talked about sustainability and why they focused on GaN, even without telling their customers about it. - Alexandra [AJ] Kantor and @Matthew Thompson explained the challenges to provide GA (giga amps!) and MW for fusion reactors. - Francesco Carobolante pointed out the extreme situation on a chip and a PCB to fulfill power and signal integrity for AI applications with 1kA. - Nice discussions with Keysight Technologies about chip modeling and Transphorm Inc. and EPC about GaN devices - Visit the microMouse Contest
Thanks for the shout out, Stefan!