The State Ethics Commission’s Enforcement Division issued an Order to Show Cause today alleging that Jessica Santiago, an employee of the state Department of Conservation and Recreation and a former employee of the Revere Parks and Recreation Department, violated the conflict of interest law by submitting false timesheets and being paid for hours she did not work.
Massachusetts State Ethics Commission的动态
The Fair Political Practices Commission, California’s leading governmental ethics and campaign finance enforcement agency, proudly announces the release of its 2024 Annual Enforcement Heat Map, an interactive tool that provides unique insights into the Commission’s enforcement efforts across the state. The Heat Map, showcases the location of every case prosecuted in 2024 and offers detailed case information, underscoring the FPPC’s unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and upholding the public trust. “The Heat Map is more than just a tool for transparency—it’s a visual representation of our commitment to enforce California’s ethics laws and ensure accountability at every level of government,” said FPPC Chair Adam E. Silver. “By providing clear, accessible data, we’re empowering the public to see exactly how the FPPC is working to safeguard integrity across the state.” ?? :
Did you miss one of our lunch-time legal ethics webinars? We have the recordings on our site for CLE ethics credit. #legalethics #TXlawyers #TXattorneys #ethicsCLE
Ethics CLE Courses for Texas Attorneys | Texas Center for Legal Ethics
The Silent Court: Ethics, Accountability, and the Erosion of Trust in the Supreme Court "Chief Justice Roberts warns that the independence of courts is under threat." I find this fascinating! Seriously, it's intriguing. I'd love to sit with Roberts and have a respectable candid one-on-one conversation. It would go something like this... "And yet you gave the very person who's most apt to disregard judicial independence a free hand by not providing a clear ruling on what constitutes presidential immunity, or what should fall within the legal scope of presidential duties...Why? Didn't you realize that by not clarifying the boundaries of presidential immunity, the Court has left room for varied interpretations, creating legal ambiguity about what actions presidents can take without consequence?" You see, I realize that we've stopped receiving profound answers in life...because we've stopped asking profound questions that demand an answer. Add to this thought the question of why Roberts hesitates to install a formal code of ethics for the Court. It gives the perception that the Court operates in a self-serving manner. I would advise Roberts that "talking the talk and walking the walk" are one in the same. To be taken seriously, they can't be separated. #SupremeCourt #JudicialReform #Accountability #EthicsInGovernment #JudicialEthics #PublicTrust
Did you miss one of our lunch-time legal ethics webinars? We have the recordings on our site for CLE ethics credit. #legalethics #TXlawyers #TXattorneys #ethicsCLE
Ethics CLE Courses for Texas Attorneys | Texas Center for Legal Ethics
Did you miss one of our lunch-time legal ethics webinars? We have the recordings on our site for CLE ethics credit. #legalethics #TXlawyers #TXattorneys #ethicsCLE
Ethics CLE Courses for Texas Attorneys | Texas Center for Legal Ethics
It's the last day of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Ethics Month. That doesn't mean we can let down our guard. Ethics is 24/7 and as we head into the final weeks of this election year, we all have a responsibility to combat the spread of mis- and disinformation. As PRSA notes, repetition increases the likelihood that a statement will be judged as true. With this in mind, PRSA members should use their voice and proactively encourage your publics to pause, even briefly, to consider and/or verify the credibility of information before sharing it via social media. Knowing how you can help your organization or clients battle mis- and disinformation is key. Use the resources here to help: #EthicsMatter
The Maryland Judicial Ethics Committee has made a significant ruling concerning district court commissioners. According to the committee, district court commissioners cannot work as real estate agents due to concerns about the appearance of impropriety. This decision highlights the importance of maintaining ethical standards in the legal profession. ????????#Maryland #LegalEthics #RealEstate #Impropriety
Judicial appointees cannot work as real estate agents, MD ethics panel rules
In our latest blog post, "The Legislative Paths to Supreme Court Ethics and Accountability," our summer associate, Alice B., dives deep into the critical bills on the table to reform the Supreme Court’s ethics, transparency, and accountability. With support growing for bold solutions, including term limits and an enforceable code of conduct, it's clear that the momentum for change is stronger than ever. ?? Learn how lawmakers are taking action to restore public trust in our highest court. Read the full blog here ?? #SupremeCourt #JudicialReform #Accountability #SCOTUS #LegalEthics #AllianceForJustice
The Legislative Paths to Supreme Court Ethics and Accountability - Alliance for Justice
Dive into our latest post, "Tales from the Trenches: Ethics in an Election Year," where we explore the complexities of ethical dilemmas in the legal profession. From real-life scenarios to practical advice, this read is a must for every legal professional navigating the tricky waters of ethics. Special thanks to Shelly Wilbanks, JD for contributing this insightful article! Read more on our blog the 1891:
Tales from the Trenches: Ethics in an Election Year
Did you know that our website contains many legal ethics resources such as ethics opinion approved by the Professional Ethics Committee for the @statebaroftexas? You can search opinions by key word or opinion # #legalethics #ethicsopinions #TXlawyers