1957: The Old Girod Cemetery - Established in 1822, the #cemetery was located between #Freret and #Liberty Streets and between #Cypress and #Perilliat Streets in what is now the #CentralBusinessDistrict of the city. The former New Basin Canal may be seen to the left and there are several businesses located all around the cemetery, mostly lumber yards and mills. The cemetery was closed in 1957.
The property was de-consecrated, and the remains were exhumed and re-interred at other sites – those records are available at the #TulaneUniversity Library in the Special Collections Division. In the late 1960s the area underwent redevelopment, with the #Louisiana #Superdome (1967 plans approved, 1971 construction begins, and 1975 construction completed), the #NewOrleans Centre shopping center (opened 1988), and the Dominion Tower (opened 1989, later CNG Tower, renamed Benson Tower in 2009).
A significant portion of the New Orleans Centre was repurposed in 2010 as Champions Square, a pre-game tailgating space. The former Girod Cemetery was located on the ground now occupied by Champions Square and the Louisiana Superdome parking garages. For those who have an interest, may I suggest #LeonardHuber’s book “#NewOrleansArchitecture: #TheCemeteries” from #PelicanPublishing.
Outside Sales Representative at Sunbelt Rentals, Inc.
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