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ROADMEDIC Premiers Airbag Deployment Chip & REVIVER I2X auto connected car newsROADMEDIC a leader in automotive safety innovation announced its new chip for vehicles and a partnership is REVIVER. Airbag 9-1-1 Deployment Chip ROADMEDIC, officially announced the commercial launch of its game-changing chip technology, set to debut in 2027 model year vehicles. The chip, designed to link airbag deployments to 9-1-1 emergency services in real time, enables the dispatch of drone first responders (DFR) to crash sites in under 10 seconds, providing first responders with live situational awareness for faster, more effective emergency response. The ROADMEDIC chip was announced at the Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA) All Members Meeting?in?Novi, Michigan?on?September 25-26,
