I feel blessed to have been chosen to do this work to close the Wealth Gap through accurately valuing the most valuable asset and the catlyst of wealth building. The 1st ever National Appraisal Apprenticeship Program will start in the 1st quarter of 2025 in Georgia & Ohio. I will keep you posted as we roll out the program across the country at our 1890 HBCU Land Grant Colleges. Our new website will be up and running in a few days with registration to open 12/1/2024. We will be utilizing " Critical Hope Theory " as the basis of our training to empower the next generation of appraisers with the latest data science that is sure to remove the racial bias from the appraisal process by utilizing evidence based data driven market analysis that will be taught by the God Father of Data Science George Dell & his Data Science Super Friends !! #1890 Land Grants, #Ft. Valley, #Central State, #SC State, #Virgina State,#WV State,#Prairie View,#Langston,#Florida A& M,#Delaware State,#Alabama A&M,#Ky State,#Lincoln University,#Southern University,#Tennessee State,#Tuskegee University,#University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, University of Maryland Eastern Shore,#North Carolina A&T,#Alcorn State. #Black Farmers, # Black Wall Street, #Oklahoma Black Research Project, #Heirs Property Center SC, #USDA Policy Center, #Federation of Southern Co-Op Farmers,