Are you familiar with Computational Fluid Dynamics, or CFD? It is an established technique using numerical methods to analyse problems involving fluid flows. You can learn more about this via SCA's guidance on CFD analysis for Smoke Control design in Buildings - Edition 1.2 June 2021. The purpose of this guide is to give an outline of the basics requirements that should be considered when developing a CFD simulation of a smoke control system. Download free here:
Smoke Control Association的动态
PLEASE CHECK MY NEW ONLINE CALCULATORS! I know some of these equations might be straightforward, but I’ve built a quick CFD & Fluid Dynamics calculator to help simplify your workflow. No more jumping between your calculator and Googling constants or equations—everything you need for fast and accurate calculations is in one place! Whether you're calculating nondimensional numbers, Interpreting results, or computational setups, this tool is designed to save you time and effort. I’m also looking for suggestions! What other calculators or tools would you find useful in your everyday engineering work? Drop your thoughts in the comments, and let’s streamline the engineering process together! Courant number calculator: Wall spacing and y+ calculator: Turbulent inlet boundary condition calculator: CFD timestep calculator: Reynold number calculator: Lift and drag coefficients calculator: #computationalfluiddynamics #cfd #openfoam
?? Francis hydro turbine flow visualization ??. Explore the mesmerizing world of Francis Turbine simulation using CFD and FEA + FSI techniques with standard Navier-Stokes equations ???. The simulation includes visualization of particle-like flow, which enhances the flow details ??. It's fascinating to watch imaginary particles enter the spiral approximately at the same time in two emissions and get gradually swallowed by the runner ?????. Did you know that some particles stay in the turbine five times longer than the fastest ones? ? This highlights the complexity of the flow dynamics in the turbine and the importance of accurately simulating and analyzing them ??. The simulation was performed by TCAE ??. ?? Full Case Study (download available): ?? YouTube video:
?Time Dependent CFD Simulation: Vortex Shedding? What is Vortex shedding in the first place? Vortex shedding is a phenomenon?when the wind blows across a structural member, vortices are shed alternately from one side to the other, and where alternating low-pressure zones are generated on the downwind side of the structure, giving rise to a fluctuating force. This phenomenon is of major importance in engineering design because the alternate formation and shedding of vortices also create alternating forces, which occur more frequently as the velocity of the flow increases. Source: #cfd #simulation #engineering
Is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) enough???? ?? Our latest article dives deep into the comparison between CFD simulations and real-world propeller testing. Discover the surprising results: #CFD #propeller #engineering #testing #fluiddynamics Aman Basawanal
Gain New Skills in The Mechanics of Turbulent CFD Coming to you straight from the experts, here’s a lecture on the mechanics of turbulent CFD. Gain insight into: ?? Exploring pre-processing steps and manual grid meshing recommendations ?? Implementing adaptive meshing techniques for enhanced convergence ?? Understanding and utilizing CFD solutions for engineering purposes, including airplanes Elevate your simulation skills with expert guidance, watch here: #CFDSimulation #TurbulenceModeling #Flexcompute #Engineering #Simulation
?? Let's revisit one of our enlightening blog posts! Reynolds Number The Reynolds number stands as a cornerstone for fluid dynamicists and CFD engineers, serving as one of the most significant dimensionless numbers. It encapsulates the ratio between inertia force and viscous force acting upon fluid elements. In our blog, we delve into the foundational principles of the Reynolds number and its extensive utility in CFD simulations. From mesh preparation to determining the initial cell thickness via y+, calculating turbulence intensity, establishing boundary conditions for heat transfer coefficients, computing friction coefficients, scaling, and ultimately post-processing and analyzing CFD results, the Reynolds number plays a pivotal role at every step. Undoubtedly, the Reynolds number emerges as the paramount non-dimensional parameter for CFD engineers and fluid dynamicists alike. For more details, Read the blog #Reynoldsnumber?#FluidMechanics?#Aerodynamics?#Aviation?#computationalfluiddynamics?#mechanicalengineering?#flowthermolab
Reynolds Number for CFD Engineers
?? Let's revisit one of our enlightening blog posts! Reynolds Number The Reynolds number stands as a cornerstone for fluid dynamicists and CFD engineers, serving as one of the most significant dimensionless numbers. It encapsulates the ratio between inertia force and viscous force acting upon fluid elements. In our blog, we delve into the foundational principles of the Reynolds number and its extensive utility in CFD simulations. From mesh preparation to determining the initial cell thickness via y+, calculating turbulence intensity, establishing boundary conditions for heat transfer coefficients, computing friction coefficients, scaling, and ultimately post-processing and analyzing CFD results, the Reynolds number plays a pivotal role at every step. Undoubtedly, the Reynolds number emerges as the paramount non-dimensional parameter for CFD engineers and fluid dynamicists alike. For more details, Read the blog #Reynoldsnumber?#FluidMechanics?#Aerodynamics?#Aviation?#computationalfluiddynamics?#mechanicalengineering?#flowthermolab
Reynolds Number for CFD Engineers
Gain New Skills in The Mechanics of Turbulent CFD Coming to you straight from the experts, here’s a lecture on the mechanics of turbulent CFD. Gain insight into: ?? Exploring pre-processing steps and manual grid meshing recommendations ?? Implementing adaptive meshing techniques for enhanced convergence ?? Understanding and utilizing CFD solutions for engineering purposes including airplanes Elevate your simulation skills with expert guidance, watch here: #CFDSimulation #TurbulenceModeling #Flexcompute #Engineering #Simulation
Today I’m excited to share the results of the project developed for the exam of Simulation and modelling of turbulent flows held by professor Andrea Cimarelli. In collaboration with Francesco Blasone and Enrico Pivato, we performed several simulations of the flow around a profile NACA 2410, exploring the effects that interpolation schemes and time integration algorithms have on the results. Indeed, by comparing different approaches, we've gained valuable insights into how these methods impact the accuracy and efficiency of simulations. In addition, we've thoroughly explored four RANS turbulence models: K-?, K-ω, K-ω SST and Spalart-Allmaras, each offering unique advantages depending on the specific flow scenario. Moreover, an introductory chapter has been entirely dedicated to the study of the grid independence coupled with some consideration over the mesh quality. To close the report also a brief analysis about the Strouhal number of the vortex shedding phenomenon obtained, as well as some comparison of the results with empirical one were added to validate further the methodology used and the outcomes of the simulations. We are proud of the progress we've made and the knowledge we've gained through this simulation study. Looking forward to applying these learnings to our future projects and continuing to push the boundaries of CFD research! #CFDSimulation #OpenFOAM #TurbulenceModels #NumericalMethods #EngineeringResearch #Aerodynamics
Determining the flow behaviour of tailings is no child's play. Here we see the modeling of tailings validated against a full scale plume. CFD simulation using FLOW-3D HYDRO's tailing's model makes it a simple affair to understand the phenomenon and can be used as an alternative to physical modeling to substantially reduce cost and time. #flow3d #cfd #flow3dhydro #tailings #waterandenvironmental #spillway #numericalsimulation