Skyfish is an expert in photogrammetry and 3D modeling of critical infrastructure. If you are at Xponential, join our presentation “How to Create Best-In-Class Digital Twins of Large Infrastructure” to learn how highly-precise 3D models can be developed using the latest photogrammetry technology. See you there - 3:00 PM in Room 29 C/D.
Mapping New Horizons: Advancing RTK Capabilities with Hovermap’s Versatility In the field of 3D Scanning and Surveying, Emesent′S real-time kinematicS (RTK) Solution for Hovermap StandS out. Learn more in the full article: ??
Exciting update! ?? Leveraging oblique images and the optimized 3DGS method, we have successfully modeled large area high quality model. Typically, 3D GS faces challenges with high overlap and processing large area airborne data. However, through innovative fusion of traditional photogrammetry with 3DGS, we have enhanced the algorithm to accomplish this feat. ?? Introducing the new version of #Get3DViewer, a free software that enables visualization of the 3D GS large scene model. #3DModeling #Photogrammetry #GIS #TechnologyInnovation
?? Welcome to AnalyzerPro Shorts! ?? In this series, we highlight AnalyzerPro's advanced features for traffic accident analysis.??? Today, we focus on integrating laser scanner and 3D photogrammetry files. Both file types can be loaded seamlessly and converted to meshed objects, allowing precise placement of vehicles and objects in 3D landscapes. This functionality enhances the accuracy of accident reconstructions and simulations, including realistic vehicle dynamics that respond to 3D terrain. Watch the video:
Analyzer Shorts Ep. 2: Laser scans and 3D photogrammetry
It’s time to future-proof your PNT systems - with Spirent PNT X. ?? PNT X enables developers to generate custom and future S-band signals, inject I/Q files, apply spatial effects, and simulate ultra-realistic environments with 3D terrain modeling. Perfect for testing innovative solutions from LunaPNT to indoor positioning. #PNT #GNSS #lunar
PNT X revolutionizes #NAVWAR simulation with realism that is made simple for the user. Greater realism means greater accuracy, and with PNT X, developers of adaptive antennas such as CRPA systems can characterize null-steering ability with precision that was previously unattainable. Jamming and spoofing testing is simplified and accelerated with native 3D terrain modeling and spatial awareness for custom signals. Easily design multi-vehicle, multi-antenna scenarios for ultra-realistic CRPA testing. Learn more:
It’s time to future-proof your PNT systems - with Spirent PNT X. ?? PNT X enables developers to generate custom and future S-band signals, inject I/Q files, apply spatial effects, and simulate ultra-realistic environments with 3D terrain modeling. Perfect for testing innovative solutions from LunaPNT to indoor positioning. #PNT #GNSS #lunar
?????? COMO: Compact Mapping and Odometry Abstract We present COMO, a real-time monocular mapping and odometry system that encodes dense geometry via a compact set of 3D anchor points. Decoding anchor point projections into dense geometry via per-keyframe depth covariance functions guarantees that depth maps are joined together at visible anchor points. The representation enables joint optimization of camera poses and dense geometry, intrinsic 3D consistency, and efficient second-order inference. To maintain a compact yet expressive map, we introduce a frontend that leverages the covariance function for tracking and initializing potentially visually indistinct 3D points across frames. Altogether, we introduce a real-time system capable of estimating accurate poses and consistent geometry. ?? #machinelearning
COMO: Compact Mapping and Odometry
Here I’m mapping RGB values to a 3D space. I’m working out ways to visualize vector similarity used by LLMs.
3-dimensional or 3D vectors are vectors that are represented on a three-dimensional plane or space to have three coordinates such as the x, y and z. If we imagine a 3D plane with axis i, j and k, (which represents the x, y, and z-axis respectively) we can write a 3D vector as the sum of its i, j and k component.
Introducing the Spatial Resolution Depth Chart: ? This chart is designed to test the clarity of depth map spatial resolution in Depth cameras using technologies such as #stereovision, Time-of-Flight (#TOF), or #StructuredLight. It features 12 blocks of hollowed-out horizontal line pairs with varying spacings from 0.6 to 20mm. A hollowed-out resolution pattern is also included in the center of the chart, which has an 18% reflectivity. ? Request yours or contact us: ? #CameraAnalyzer #DXOMARK #3D #Depth #resolutiondepth?