Hey, this is Jeremy from Assembly and this is a quick overview of our new custom intakes. With custom intakes you can browse our library of insurance specific intakes, use one you like or start from scratch. Customize it to fit your agencies needs. Share it with your prospects and clients with a link that you can embed in an e-mail, text or even your website. And as your prospects fill it out, their answers will automatically populate your records and other forms. To get started, I'm going to head to my Custom Intakes tab and click New Custom Intake. Now I have the option to either start from scratch or import an intake from our library. I'm going to do that. Here's our library of intakes that you can add to your account, customize, and share with your clients and prospects. I'm going to click on commercial property quote here. I can review the intake tab by tab. Make sure I like it. And then I can add it to my account by clicking Use this form. Now that I've added this intake to my account, I can make any changes I want. I can edit questions, delete questions, and create new questions. This question asks how did you hear about our agency? I'm going to add another option called from a friend. I'm going to pick an icon from our library of animated icons. I don't have to do this, but it makes the intake look a little more friendly. I'm going to drag and drop this into place before the other option. And I'm going to click this plus icon. To create a new question, I can choose from short answer, long answer, multiple choice. I'm going to add a short question and type What's your friend's name? And now I only want to show this when the answer to how did you hear about our agency is from a friend. So I'll pick that option. From a friend. Click save and now I have this conditional logic. Now I'm pretty happy with how this looks. The last thing I can do is remove or add questions from Assemblies library of questions. And the great thing about these ones is they're actually synced with the Accords and supplements, so any responses to these questions are going to automatically populate my forms. They are removed the sick code question. Let's just quickly look through assemblies question bank. I'm gonna add the NAICS code question to my intake. Alright, and I'm pretty happy with this, so I am going to share it with my prospects. I'm going to click this share button in the top right corner and here's the link that I can use to blast out to prospects, put on social media and bed on my website, whatever I want. When a prospect clicks on it, this is what they see. Is this your first time working with us? Yes. How did you hear about us from a friend? What's your friend's name, Address. Type Dan? And now I will say, are you a company or person Type your company name. I'm not going to fill all this out now. I'll just provide an e-mail, let's say team
[email protected]. And when my prospect hits next, even without answering the other questions, as long as there's a name and e-mail, this prospect has now been automatically added to my assembly account. So let's head over to my account. Go to the Insurance tab. I'm not going to see prospects created by default, but if I hit this show leads, here's Acme Inc. I can take a look at my prospect, I'll see the intake that they are working on. And now the really cool thing here is I can add the chords and supplements to the intake or create a new submission with my coordinate supplements. However I want to do it. Let's add 125 and let's add property section. And now I didn't answer a lot of information here, but just to show you, I'm going to head over to the Forms tab, Scroll down and right there is all the information that the prospect added.