Summertime essentials for happy cows on the farm! Remember these key tips to ensure your dairy herd stays healthy and content during the warmer months. Share your own tried-and-true tips below. #DairyFarming #SummerTips #HappyCows"
Bird flu kills 20 big cats in Washington, spreads through California dairy farms #latest #vanakkammalaysia #Bird #flu #kills #20bigcats #Washington #spreads #through #California #dairyfarms #trendingnewsmalaysia #malaysiatamilnews #fyp #vmnews #foryoupage
Bird flu kills 20 big cats in Washington, spreads through California dairy farms #latest #vanakkammalaysia #Bird #flu #kills #20bigcats #Washington #spreads #through #California #dairyfarms #trendingnewsmalaysia #malaysiatamilnews #fyp #vmnews #foryoupage
#OPTIMIZE COW COMFORT IN FRESH COW GROUP 1.Keep a stocking density rate 80-85 percent of capacity. 2.Keep cows in a fresh cow group for 21 to 30 days. 3.Reduce social stress ( Especially in fresh calf heifers) 4.Prevent cows from separating from the normal herd mates. 5.Invest in cow cooling for lactating cows. #Cowcomfort #Dairyfarming #Transitioncows #Sapphiredairies
Check out our Dairy Beef panels, click the link below to download or view online today. ?? Our Dairy Beef panels are sires that have been proven in the dairy herd. There is a considerable amount of data available on these highly reliable sires, herdowners can be assured of the following when using beef sires for the dairy herd from Ireland’s largest dairy beef programme: 1. Minimum calving difficulty; 2. Shortest gestation; 3. Maximum value for calf crop. #breeding24
?? Pruning: A vital step for healthy vines Pruning plays a critical role in managing both frost risk and grape quality at Marlbank. During frost risk, we leave the canes upright so the buds stay above the frost zone. Once the danger has passed, we carefully tie them down to the fruiting wire. Timing is everything when it comes to protecting our future harvest! ?? Want to learn more about our process? Sign up to our newsletter. ??
It’s good for us to be keeping a close eye on our Aussie neighbours(check landline from last week below) See their(Aus) efforts to manage one of our shared- and biggest threats. Solutions for bobbies means collaboration and innovation Farmers who are “generally animal lovers” want the right thing too. Around 1.8 million calves (NZ) in total are killed over the whole season, from autumn through to mid-spring. That number is dropping as the dairy cow herd gets smaller and more efficient ??and farmers use more sexed semen over cows to favour heifer calves, and beef semen to generate more dairy-beef calves worth rearing and finishing. Our Kiwi challenge is retaining enough land in pasture to absorb the dairy beef surplus in NZ vs Aus who has unlimited expansion opportunity. Having farmed half career in both countries- I sense we cannot afford to slow on Zero Bobby story. It’s a- “tackle together”- far more collaboratively than before. Every approach whether it’s pines and pasture or dairy vs drystock or cows vs sheep or race based separation we will have to work together to have both vertical and horizontal integration + a “common ground approach” to stay viable.
Dairy Redemption: giving calves more value and longer lives | Landline | ABC News
Let CowTRAQ? Cow Collars show you more than the expert eye can see. Day and night. Know your cows, track your herd, improve your dairy. #DairyAutomation #cowcollars #herdmanagement #CowTRAQ #waikatomilkingsystems #DairyFarming #PrecisionFarming
Did you know the shell of a quail egg tells a story? ??? At Spring Creek Quail Farms, we pay close attention to our quails’ health, and their eggs tell us everything we need to know. A smooth, firm shell with vibrant speckles is a sign of a happy, healthy bird getting all the right nutrients. Quail eggs come in stunning shades from creamy white to light brown, each decorated with unique speckles that make them look like tiny works of art. Those spots aren’t there to just look pretty, they’re nature’s way of providing camouflage in the wild! Our secret to healthy, nutritious eggs is... ? A balanced, nutrient-rich diet ? A clean, comfortable environment for our quails ? Daily monitoring for shell strength and consistency We’re committed to humane farming practices that keep our quails happy - and it shows in every egg! ?? Have you tried these little treasures yet? Once you do, you’ll see (and taste) the difference! ?? #rainboweggs #farmfresheggs #fresheggs
Simple, effective processes are the foundation of Dairy Holdings' farm system, including reproduction. We stick to the tried-and-true method of tail paint and visual heat detection, which has allowed us to deliver consistently strong submission rates. To finish off mating, all our farms also have bulls running with the herds. With this approach, we are able to set ourselves up for a successful upcoming season. #DairyFarming #DairyExcellence #EfficientFarming
In chickens, both feed and water consumption steadily increase as a flock ages. Therefore, by knowing the feed consumed you can easily estimate the amount of water needed. #chickenfarm #chickenequipment #chickenhouse #animalsdrinker #poultryequipment #nippledrinker #feederpan #phoenixbreedingequipment