Ready to increase the use of science in political action, collaborate with leading science policy professionals, and shine a spotlight on critical science issues in the media? Join NSPN's Science On The Ballot team and take meaningful action on today’s most important topics. Together, we can drive change and elevate science in policymaking! Register for our Feb 6th information session at
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New Event! The first session from the Government Office for Science will explore how they “put excellent scientific advice at the heart of decision making” for UK Government. In this event, you'll learn more about how GOS achieves their mission and the routes to engagement with government they support and advertise. ? ?? 21st Jan, 15:30 - 16:30 (Online) ?
I'm thrilled to finally be able to share our new report Understanding and Addressing Misinformation About Science that was just released today! The report provides a comprehensive view of the origins, spread, and consequences of misinformation about science and offers recommendations toward proactive, structural solutions to address its impacts on individuals, communities, and society. You can read the full report at:
Even though Mark Calaguas and I had the amazing opportunity to be on The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine panel to discuss FYLPRO's Tayo work on culturally tailoring COVID-19 at last year's Understanding and Addressing Misinformation About Science: A Public Workshop, I'm still processing that the Tayo team's collective efforts in trying to reach out community is now included in this new report just released by NASEM! None of us could have imagined this even a year ago. Read the report: Thank you to report editors K Vish Viswanath and Tiffany E. Taylor, Ph.D., and NASEM committee members Nadine Barrett, PhD, MA, MS and Paule Valery Joseph Ph.D., MBA, CRNP, FAAN. Shout out to fellow presenters Roberta Braga and Kavitha Rajagopalan and Rachel Kuo for recommending us to NASEM. The report is part of a larger April 2023 public workshop held at the National Academies that convened academics, researchers and community groups to address misinformation. Check out the "Differential Impacts of Science Misinformation" panel Mark Calaguas and I were on last year with Cabral Bigman-Galimore, Roberta Braga, Jason Young and moderated by Nadine Barrett, PhD, MA, MS:
I'm thrilled to finally be able to share our new report Understanding and Addressing Misinformation About Science that was just released today! The report provides a comprehensive view of the origins, spread, and consequences of misinformation about science and offers recommendations toward proactive, structural solutions to address its impacts on individuals, communities, and society. You can read the full report at:
In Latin America, the imposition of English and article processing charges (APCs) in scientific publishing disproportionately affect researchers from non-English-speaking countries, threatening the regional editorial ecosystem. The pandemic and political instability have worsened scientific funding. In Ecuador, we are advancing open science policies through various institutions. At CEDIA, we support implementing scientific data repositories and CRIS systems, aligning with the global need for equitable access to knowledge. This approach aims to democratize knowledge access, strengthen the country's scientific infrastructure, and foster inclusive and transparent collaboration.
?? In Latin America, the long-held belief that knowledge is a public good has created a fertile ground for open access and open infrastructure. Our 2024 Survey of Recent Open Science Policy Developments explores the historical evolution of open science policy in the region, key stakeholders, and organizations involved, as well as existing initiatives. Discover what's next for open science in Latin America!
Dear Professor Holden Thorp Pardon me, but the moment I heard you say "decouple", it's sounded like jumping of a sinking ship except that the ship is the planet Earth / humanity / deep history of science, so to speak ;) On second listening, I heard your interest in doing differently: here's one: Thus Spoke Pushpa (, which can be summed up as, in one phrase: Being Real. What is it about reality that I am supposed to become, given that any real thing is a god on its own ;) i.e., infinite (, pp. 9-10, notwithstanding da way too successful scientific outreach of Newtonian abstraction: 'body' as existing in-of-itself, Fortunately, that attribute of reality that's speaks to the immediate concern of science is surprisingly effortless to emulate. First, note that reality, in spite all that it is, doesn't have agency! Not even that of a mice fakin dead when a eagle swoops down to make of meal of it (I'm no expert on dis faking biz, so substitute as required ;) The point, at the risk of unnecessarily repeating, is that reality can not be anything other than what it is. As much as you hate Trump, it is what it is: a chair can't pretend to be a beer bottle, nor can a table. A table is a table is a table! That's all science has to do. To see that that's not being done, take any peer-reviewed paper from Science Magazine or Nature Magazine and compare the truth value(s; however you may assign) of various sections of the paper: Introduction vs. Methods vs. Results vs. Discussion vs. Conclusion (I think you got my drift; just in case it's not obvious: our findings can help develop drugs to blah blah; note that the problem is not with "can", but with no specification of canning that can, in the sense of belling the cat ;) Now I'll get more specific, but all in the spirit of 'dissent inhales life' not only into science but also into institutions that house those who consciously participate in the practice of science. Unlike Science Magazine , Nature Magazine , PNAS , and the journal #Neuron Cell Press have the unique distinction of yanking my online comments after having been approved and on their websites for weeks to months. I feel sorry for the editors who approved and later apologized; I'm sorry to trouble you! For those curious, what state secrets I might have revealed: Nature Magazine is hell-bent on not publishing a correction even after PubMed wrote to Springer Nature (unlike Science Magazine , PNAS & #Neuron , Nature Magazine thinks THE QUEEEN is still alive ;) AAAS stay away from Nature Portfolio 2 regain #TRUST
As many Americans question trustworthiness of institutions, how can we pivot to help strengthen the public’s trust in science? Join AAAS and Science Magazine, alongside Pew Research Center, on November 14 at 3:15 p.m. ET as we dive into one of the most pressing issues affecting the scientific enterprise: The state of America's trust in science. The virtual event will feature the release of Pew's 2024 trust in science survey data, followed by a panel discussion with Sudip Parikh, Holden Thorp, and AAAS Board member Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Register now:
So glad to see this out! Such a comprehensive and wide ranging examination of health misinformation:
I'm thrilled to finally be able to share our new report Understanding and Addressing Misinformation About Science that was just released today! The report provides a comprehensive view of the origins, spread, and consequences of misinformation about science and offers recommendations toward proactive, structural solutions to address its impacts on individuals, communities, and society. You can read the full report at:
?? In Latin America, the long-held belief that knowledge is a public good has created a fertile ground for open access and open infrastructure. Our 2024 Survey of Recent Open Science Policy Developments explores the historical evolution of open science policy in the region, key stakeholders, and organizations involved, as well as existing initiatives. Discover what's next for open science in Latin America!
Save the date! The 7th Perspectives on Scientific Error conference will take place on February 5-7, 2025 at University of Bern, Switzerland. If you're interested in errors, fraud, negligence, or hype in science, please join us! You can already check out our fantastic line-up of keynote speakers here:
International Journal of Quality and Service Science (Emerald, IF: 3.4) We actively encourage high-quality submissions on topics related to "sustainability in service operations" and "artificial intelligence in service interactions"
Dear Professor Holden Thorp , I am sorry to trouble you, but is "trust in scientists" ( same or equivalent to (your rephrasing it as) "trust in science" ( The last time I checked science is NOT (what labeled/professional/livelihood) scientists (do)! Having troubled you I'm feeling guilty and here's a consolation: Don't You Trust Me? (, I'm guessing Madam Oates belongs to your choir ;) Oftentimes, when faced with a crisis, we look back and when we do so we do find the financial crisis, a result of untrustworthy bankers, which led to the development of a trustless blockchain technology. Beginning with #Fauci we had quite a few untrustworthy scientists, which sooner or later will lead to the development of, for lack of a better name that I could readily think of, trustless truthbody technology. In closing, making it seem like Trump invented lies might have had a chance of being bought in the first yuga of truth, where people had no concept of lie, but in this kali yuga, scientists like that Harvard Mehra and journals like Nature Magazine belong in the basket of deplorables (liars). #trust #science #scientist #PawanKalyan #truth #concept #satya #yuga #kali #Harvard #trustless #blockchain #technology #truthbody #Mehra #Fauci #covid #corona #wuhan #banksters #financial #crisis
As many Americans question trustworthiness of institutions, how can we pivot to help strengthen the public’s trust in science? Join AAAS and Science Magazine, alongside Pew Research Center, on November 14 at 3:15 p.m. ET as we dive into one of the most pressing issues affecting the scientific enterprise: The state of America's trust in science. The virtual event will feature the release of Pew's 2024 trust in science survey data, followed by a panel discussion with Sudip Parikh, Holden Thorp, and AAAS Board member Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Register now: