In this collaboration between?architektur kollektiv (Germany) and PAF (platform for architecture & feminism), we invite women in architecture to reflect on their role and profession, to share their wisdom and/or questions and doubts with a younger generation of architects. Leading up to International Women’s Day these role models from Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands share their letters with us in an online event on March 6th, 19:00. Please join us! With letters from → Helga Blocksdorf - Helga Blocksdorf Architektur, professor TU Braunschweig (Germany) → Oana Bogdan, &bogdan (Belgium) → Sylvie Bruyninckx - VIVA architecture (Belgium) → Els Claessens & Tania Vandenbussche - ectv architecten (Belgium) → Karin Hartmann - Visiting professor Claiming Spaces TU Wien, author Schwarzer Rolli, Hornbrille (Germany) → Jacqueline Karpa - Plattform der Weibliche Architekt (Germany) → Mechthild Stuhlmacher - Korteknie Stuhlmacher architecten (The Netherlands) Be sure to reserve your spot in advance via Eventbrite. We will send the link on the day.
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