Join us as we take a dive into the background, philosophy and practices from Anthony Sikorski, Director of Cultivation from Aunt Mary's NJ.
Scarlet Express的动态
Do you operate a farm-gate or offer farm experiences in Lennox & Addington? If you do, be sure to add your business details to the Naturally L&A online directory. You'll be featured on the "Naturally L&A Farm Experiences" page, one of the top-performing pages on their website. Add your details by clicking this link ???? Select 'Agri-food / Agriculture' as the business category. @NaturallyL&A #agritourism
Add Your Business - Naturally Lennox and Addington
Before internet search- dispatches from the telephone reference desk: "The Department of Everything" @hedgehogreview (Plus- Daniel Boorstin) Down memory lane... #culture #danielboorstin #history #internetsearch #websearch #librarianofcongress #librarian #librarians #library #libraries #libraryofcongress #reference #referencedesk #referencelibrarian #search #referencelibrarians
“Google will bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian will bring you back the right one.”*…
Regrarians Platform? Google Earth Pro Layers V7 Many of you will have enjoyed previous versions of this template. With Week 4 ('Farm Map Development') of the current REX? online farm planning course upon us I've spent the last few days doing a complete revision including: ? New network links ? Updated folder structure to match key Regrarians Handbook section numbers We hope that you find these improvements useful. Link:
Check out my blog post #newblogpost
Getting Garden Ready!
Crustaceans ’ gastric mill ossicles could be processed in a way that would expose growth rings, similar to the rings of a tree, and then verified the rings accurately corresponded with the correct age’ After few years being involved with the spiny lobster fisheries I am glad to hear of apotential more accurate method to estimate age for more refined results on virtual population analysis, which at the end translates for fisheries management.
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Is restoration creating habitats where voles, eels and trout can thrive? Check out this Natural England funded work by South East Rivers Trust to monitor where these species are living, before during and after restoration. The perfect application of eDNA technology, as we have seen time and time again at NatureMetrics ??
What's in a river? We're using eDNA to find out! Lewis Campbell writes in our latest blog how we are using it as a baseline for our WETHogsmill project and what creatures we have detected there. #species recovery
Check out my blog post #newblogpost
Welcome to Hortus - (Latin for Garden) All things flowers and plants
We are excited to share a thought-provoking blog post discussing the recent developments surrounding Organic Maps and its open-source fork initiated by the co-founder of This article delves into the implications of these changes for the community and the future of open-source mapping solutions. Explore the nuances of this situation and join the conversation by reading the full post here: Your insights and feedback would be greatly appreciated as we navigate these important issues in the mapping landscape.
This is worth a read following recent flurry of costs appeal decisions. Examples of costs being awarded against LPAs, and Appellants. Example of losing an appeal and still getting costs. Excellent collation and commentary Simon Ricketts - thanks for the kind shout out too!
New blog post, Should Appeal Costs Decisions Be More Widely Publicised?
Should Appeal Costs Decisions Be More Widely Publicised?
Is the newsletter click an outmoded species? No, but it could serve a new purpose in a newsletter built on the "zero-click" idea. OI member Paul Christmann (rasa.ioi) suggests a radical makeover for newsletter publishers: Deliver your value in the email instead of forcing readers to click to a website. Could it work for you? Learn how in Paul's OI post, featured in the latest OI newsletter.
[OI Thursday] Analyzing Forrester's ESP Review, 'Zero-Click' Newsletters, and More