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A leader who is confident in creating multiple horizon with innovations,

CBSE Board New Exam Structure: The Ministry of Education makes essential school rules and has given new instructions about how CBSE board exams will happen. In the past, exams used to take place in different terms, like twice a year or more. But now, things will be different. There will be two separate exams, and students will get to keep the best score they get out of these two exams. This new method is suitable for students and the education system. The first CBSE Board Exam 2024–25 is expected to be administered in November–December 2024, and the second in February–March 2025, according to MoE sources. The ultimate results and merit will be decided by taking the best of two scores. The goal of the new method is to ease students’ anxiety about losing out on chances. A candidate may choose not to take further exams if they receive a passing grade on one set of tests.
