?? More Details ?? GLUTE BIASED: - forward leaned torso (shoulders over feet) - knee over ankles -- almost vertical shin - drive BACK knee DOWN (and back towards rear foot) QUAD BIASED: - SLIGHTLY closer stance - upright torso - optional - elevate front heel for even more knee flexion! - drive FRONT knee FORWARD -- knee over toes Please note that you can't completely isolate either the glutes or quads with this movement BUT you can make small adjustments to target specific muscles MORE. Let me know what questions you have and what you want to see more of! ?????????? #personaltrainer #personaltraining #bootygainz #bootyworkout #legday #tips #beginner #beginnerworkout #gymshark #gymsharkwomen #vegan #veganpersonaltrainer #veganfitness #fitness #fit #fitwomen #womenwholift #buildyourbody #bodybuilding #splitsquat #squat
Samantha Walker的动态
You can’t get through life without your knees going over your toes. Thus it is important to have strength through this full range of motion. Start training some knees over toes movements to improve hip, knee, and ankle stability, mobility, and strength. Try knees over toes split squats without weight or hand assisted on a rack first. Follow for more fitness tips. Comment below your thoughts. #kneesovertoesguy #anklemobility #kneestrengthening #anklestability #anklestrength #hipmobility #hipflexibility #kneestability #splitsquats #atg #splitsquat #isometrics #lunge #lunges #lungesandsquats #?tness #fitnessjourney #functionalfitness #functionalmovement #befunctional #functionalstrength #rangeofmotion #getbetter #livebetter #lifeinmotion #fitat40 #fitatanyage
35 min upper body Quick hit on chest, back, and core Listen to your body! I keep my upper body days short and light for medical reasons. If you want to add more or go heavier, go for it as long as you're not causing pain! A1) Incline chest press (not recorded) A2) Incline chest fly B1) TRX row (or bent over row) B2) Lat pullover C1) High plank C2) Oblique crunch with a partial leg raise C3) Locust pose A1/A2- Can be done on a bench, ball, or wedge. B2- Weights pressed together will make it a little easier. Alternating arms will challenge your core a bit more. C2- Can do these with no leg raise or a full leg raise #fitnessismorethanphysique #vitalityholisticfitness #moveyourbody #fitfam #personaltraining #fitness #fitnessjourney #upperbodyworkout #upperbody #core #coreworkout #lowimpact #gym #gymworkout #gymmotivation #2023 #instagood #fitmom #healthandwellness #healthyliving #healing #migraine #migraineworkout #fitmom #pittsburgh #homeworkout #sweat #412
How to: Staggered Stance Hip Thrust ??Whichever leg is back during this exercise is going to be the primary leg that you are going to be working. This is a great way to load the glutes in a more unilateral fashion while decreasing the stability demands. Give this a try, Dr. Z #glutes #legs #rehab #strength #fitness #physicaltherapy
?????? ????/?????? ???????? ???????? ?????????????? ?????????????????? . . . ???????????? ?????? ?????????? Count 30 (Each Leg 15) A single leg squat, or pistol squat, is a tough exercise where you squat on one leg while holding the other leg out in front. It strengthens your legs, glutes, and core muscles. This move also helps improve your balance and flexibility. It's important to keep your back straight and your knee in line with your toes to avoid injury. Beginners can use support or do half squats to start. With practice, it boosts overall leg strength and athletic performance. PS: Join my free group & get a free guide on how to lose weight naturally & effortlessly without strict diet & gym. Link in comments/bio. #singlelegsquat #legstrength #lowerbodyworkout #weightloss #weightlosscoach #weightlossjourney #weightlosstips #weightlosshelp #weightlosssupport #weightlosschallenge #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossgoals #weightlossinspiration #fatloss #homeworkout #homeworkoutchallenge
Quad Day Workout Routine 1. Squats ? Sets: 4 ? Reps: 6-8 ? Notes: Maintain a strong core and push through the heels. 2. Leg Press ? Sets: 4 ? Reps: 10-12 ? Notes: Feet shoulder-width apart, lower to 90 degrees. 3. Lunges ? Sets: 3 ? Reps: 12-15 each leg ? Notes: Keep torso upright and step back into the start position. 4. Leg Extensions ? Sets: 3 ? Reps: 12-15 ? Notes: Squeeze at the top of the movement. 5. Bulgarian Split Squats ? Sets: 3 ? Reps: 10-12 each leg ? Notes: Ensure deep squats for full quad engagement. #QuadDay #StrengthTraining #musclegrowth #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #getfit #fit #legs #legday
Optimizing Bicep Curls: The Role of Shoulder Flexion When performing bicep curls, it’s important not to completely eliminate shoulder movement. Shoulder flexion is one of the primary actions of the bicep, and incorporating it into your curls ensures full muscle activation. By allowing some shoulder movement, you’re not only making the exercise more effective but also more natural. Key Takeaways: ? Engage shoulder flexion to fully activate the biceps. ? Don’t restrict shoulder movement – it’s essential for effective curls. ? Incorporate this technique for better muscle engagement. This adjustment can significantly improve your results in the gym. Check out my full video on common bicep curl mistakes here: https://lnkd.in/gif678qM #ActiveWave #FitnessTech #StayActive #MyFitnessJourney #FitnessCommunity #FitJourney #PerformanceEnhancement #Health #Mood #BicepCurl #BestExercises #ShoulderFlexion #StrengthTraining #FitnessJourney #WorkoutTips #FitnessTransformation #MuscleBuilding #ExerciseScience #InjuryPrevention #GymKnowledge #TrainingTips #MuscleActivation #FunctionalFitness #HealthyLifts #BicepWorkouts #CorrectForm #FitnessInspiration #ControlledLifts #ShoulderHealth
I LOVE the rising trend of heavy lifting. I am here for it ?? Also here to help you prevent injury along the way! ???? If we want to keep getting stronger and lifting heavier, we have to strengthen the foundation of those lifts - the Core & Glutes! Try this set of 5 exercises to improve the quality of your movement AND prevent injury. Do 2-3 sets a couple times a week to see a marked difference in how well you move & feel! 1. V sit arc (30 sec) 2. Rotating hover (30 sec each side) 3. Tri directional single leg Mt Climber (30 sec each leg) 4. Tandem Shoulder & toe taps (30 sec) 5. Single side Standing T Tuck (30 sec each side) If you want my FREE 10 day abs & glutes makeover training course, drop a ?? in the comments & I’ll send it your way! Follow me for more fitness secrets, tips & tricks. Yours, T ???? #abs #glutes #core #coreworkout #workout #workoutideas #workoutmotivation #workoutroutine #fitness #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #injury #injuryprevention #lifting #bodyweight #bodyweightworkout #heavylifting #weightlifting #girlswholift #movement
Here’s a leg workout routine for strength and muscle definition. Remember to adjust the weights and rep ranges based on your fitness level and progress: 1. Squats: - 4 sets x 6-8 reps 2. Deadlifts: - 4 sets x 6-8 reps 3. Lunges: - 3 sets x 10 reps per leg 4. Leg Press: - 3 sets x 10-12 reps 5. Leg Curls: - 3 sets x 10-12 reps 6. Calf Raises: - 4 sets x 12-15 reps 7. Leg Extensions: - 3 sets x 12-15 reps #LegDay #StrengthTraining #ShreddedLegs #FitnessGoals #WorkoutRoutine #hiptrust #consistency #accountability
You wouldn't train your biceps, pecs, or quads with half reps... would you? So, then why does it make any sense at all to train your calves that way and expect anything less than piss poor results? The stretched position under load is absolutely crucial for muscular development, and using a full range of motion will improve ankle mobility at the same time. Which matters! It matters a lot! Have the best day ever! Tom The Trainer ???????? Creator of “The Fast Fat Loss Frequency Method” and “The Luxury Lifestyle Allowance.” #fitness #workout #exerciseroutines #calfworkout #calvesworkout #fitnessmotivations #workoutoftheday #bodyweight #personaltraineronline #fitnesscoachonline #fit40s #fitdad #fitdads #highperformancehabits
Fix your pulldown Build a stronger upper body with this movement, but be sure to be patient and follow a few simple rules: 1. keep good thoracic extension 2. don't go too heavy as to sacrifice scapular elevation 3. pause and squeeze every rep 4. slow on the eccentric to build muscle Need help with programming your workout with #metrics , let me know. #lifting #strongman #workout #fitness #exercisetips #exerciseathome #pulldown #strengthtraining