???Transforming In-Home Aged Care in Australia??? From?1 July 2025, the Australian Government will launch the?Support at Home?program, marking a significant reform in aged care services. This will replace the Home Care Packages Program and the Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) Programme. This initiative, developed in response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, aims to support older Australians in maintaining their independence and living at home for longer. Key features of the Support at Home program include: ??Upfront supports?to enhance independence, such as allied health services, assistive technology, and home modifications. ??New classification and budget levels?tailored to better meet individual aged care needs. ??Government-set price caps and participant contributions?to ensure a fairer, simpler, and more equitable system. This streamlined approach will ensure older Australians can access the services, equipment, and community connections they need to stay healthy, active, and socially engaged in the comfort of their homes. View the Support at Home program handbook here: https://lnkd.in/gmc26Utz #AgedCare #SupportAtHome #Independence #HealthcareReform #Australia
Roaming Homehealth的动态
The eagerly anticipated report from the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee on the aged care bill landed this week. It contained but one recommendation, that the bill be passed. I think it is worth noting that the Coalition agreed not to amend the financial framework provisions contained in Chapter 4 of the bill, and that they remain committed to the passage of a 'new Aged Care Act.' The financial impact of the bill is said to be $204 billion over the period 2023-24 to 2027-28. Consideration from two separate parliamentary committees on human rights and for the scrutiny of bills provide useful observations on the bill and are worth reading. Their concerns cover matters such as restrictive practices, supporters and guardians, information sharing, coercive powers among others. The report also provides useful commentary on the variety of views that were presented to the inquiry at their hearings, including important concerns raised about the transition period for providers, the proposed 10% care management fee cap and unit pricing for the incoming Support at Home Program. Also worth reviewing is the 'Additional comments' section from the Coalition in which they list 32 recommendations. As ever the devil remains in the detail and the sector continues to advocate for the release of the Rules and subordinate materials. The bill will now need to pass through the House of Representatives, and enter the Senate. The Senate will consider proposed amendments. There are just two sitting weeks in November!
Today, is the 34th International Day of Older Persons. The theme, 'Aging with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support System' echoes the needs of older Australians across the country, particularly those using the services of aged care and seniors housing. It is a good day to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the people who are working to build a robust and sustainable aged care system, focused on delivering a high level of care for older Australians. #ACCPA, #InternationalDayofOlderPesons, #AgedCare, #AustralianAgedCare, #VisitorManagementSystem, #VisitorSignInSystem,
The new Support at Home Handbook?? is here with interesting facts... ?? SaH echoes the Commonwealth Home and Support Program and is clearly based on its operational model ???? A single provider will continue to provide services to a SaH participant however, when CHSP recipients transition in SaH they will be able to choose multiple providers...?? ??????Care Management becomes a clinical service type and the allocated funding - 10% of the client's quarterly budget - will be pooled with the provider in order to be utilised across its participants . There will be an option to Self Manage with the contribution for this option sitting in a grey zone so far.. Will these participants be excluded by the 10% pool? ???????? The proposed co-contribution scheme sounds like a solid tactic to tackle long waiting lists... ??Find all the future arrangements here: https://lnkd.in/gYnKyJHq
The Senate Inquiry into the New Aged Care Act has released their report. The result? One recommendation: 3.198 - The committee recommends that the bill be passed https://lnkd.in/gzKDG4CC The organisations and individuals who made submissions and attended hearings have done a great job of putting forward the wealth of complex needs and misaligned policy objectives that make up the Australian Aged Care Sector. I encourage all governance personnel to read this report as it is hard to think of an equivalent, modern summary of the strategic issues facing the sector In the end, the committee position appears to be one based on a) political alignment (down party lines) and b) an inability to tell if some of the submissions are correct until the Rules are released in full #agedcareaustralia G5 Strategic
AGED CARE REFORMS: FEEDBACK ON THE AGED CARE ACT On the 30 May 2024, the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care published its feedback report 'A new #AgedCareAct: exposure draft'. The report includes feedback received through various means, & findings relating to the Act in general, First Nations people & people from culturally & linguistic diverse backgrounds. Some report content to note: * the Act may be more aspirational than practical (pp throughout report) * the ideals of the Act may be more difficult to achieve in regional, rural & remote areas (pp throughout report) * language is an ongoing point of discussion & debate (pp throughout report) * 71% of respondents* strongly agreed or agreed that the Objects, Statement of Rights & Statement of Principles are clear (p12) * suggestion that restrictive practices are to be approved by an independent person, similar to the NDIS (p15) * a need for approved needs assessors to have training in inclusive & culturally appropriate needs assessments (p19) * ongoing issues of funding for supports for people not-eligible of program (p18) * information on means testing, subsidies, payments & fees remain missing as they are yet to be developed/written (p23) * confusion & concerns exist by stakeholders of the roles & responsibilities of the various oversight bodies (p25-27) * uncertainty of integration of proposed Bill with existing legislation whether it be related to retirement villages (p14), public guardian & trustee acts including rules for substitute decision makers (p31), veterans & disability, (p36). There did not appear to be concerns for its integration with the Corporations Act however some of the discourse on language, such as the definition of workers (p14) should the feedback be accepted may find it at odds with work health & safety laws * concerns on computer-generated decision making (p 33) When reading the report we had expected a more balanced positive-constructive content ratio however much of the feedback reflects what we have been thinking. From here it will be interesting to see what the Government does with this feedback & how much change they make because of it. As one example, the report states 'most providers stated the new Act should clearly outline the responsibilities of older people...' (p13) however at the Commission's aged care provider conference in April 2024 the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commissioner said that such thinking is 'muddled thinking' (Consumers Perspectives Panel, 24.4.24). What we do know, is that it is 'business as usual' with a twist. Thank you for reading our post, & being interested in the aged care reforms. We would love to hear what you think. Please post below. ? *Respondents refers to #agedcare providers & workers, older Australians, carers & other stakeholders. ? #ageingandagedcare #agedcarereforms #change https://lnkd.in/g5w2haBR
It's essential for everyone to carefully review the proposals at hand. Why is this important? Because at some point, many of us will find ourselves negotiating on behalf of our elderly parents or family members as their main caregivers, whether with community care providers or aged care facilities. Thus, grasping the intricacies of the system is vital, and figuring out the financial responsibilities of individuals is crucial, especially considering today's rising cost of living. Listen to this video to start the conversation. https://lnkd.in/g4iWhyAs
IN FULL: Government announces funding reforms to aged care sector | ABC NEWS
The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme supports regular in-person volunteer visits to give friendship and companionship to older people who: ? don’t have regular contact with friends or relatives ?? are feeling isolated from their culture or heritage. Anyone can refer an older person to be matched with a volunteer visitor, including their aged care service provider, family and friends, or they can refer themselves. To be eligible, an older person must be receiving government-funded residential aged care or a Home Care Package. This includes care recipients approved or on the National Priority System and excludes those with a Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). If you know someone who could benefit from companionship, refer them by visiting health.gov.au/acvvs
The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme supports regular in-person volunteer visits to give friendship and companionship to older people who: ? don’t have regular contact with friends or relatives ?? are feeling isolated from their culture or heritage. Anyone can refer an older person to be matched with a volunteer visitor, including their aged care service provider, family and friends, or they can refer themselves. To be eligible, an older person must be receiving government-funded residential aged care or a Home Care Package. This includes care recipients approved or on the National Priority System and excludes those with a Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). If you know someone who could benefit from companionship, refer them by visiting health.gov.au/acvvs
In July 2024, a helpful new resource was introduced to support the aged care sector in getting ready for the Revised Aged Care Quality Standards and the upcoming Aged Care Act, which will take effect in 2025. This guide highlights the vital role spiritual care plays in bringing meaning, purpose, and connection for older people . It’s designed to help aged care providers and stakeholders understand how spiritual care fits within the revised ACQS and mapped to the National Guidelines for Spiritual Care in Aged Care. You can learn more about preparing for the revised ACQS via our online resource: https://lnkd.in/gDTGwqq3 #ACQS #MeaningfulAgeingAustralia
Who’s missing from your aged care service?? OPAN’s free Planning for Diversity workshop series helps providers differentiate their services and address barriers for older people living in their communities. OPAN is currently enrolling for Victoria and South Australia.? View all upcoming dates and sign up here: https://lnkd.in/gxHeEfkP #OPANAU #OlderPersonsAdvocacyNetwork #DiversityEducation #planningfordiversity #WhosMissing??