Bio/Deep tech founders can make investors lives easier like this.. How to present technical info to UHNWs/Family Offices: A simple 3 step process, at each step its the "tell me more.." 1) A bold 1 pager - The vision, the big vision at that - Your Why - How co-founders/advisors are exceptional - Get the "any more info..." 2) The non-technical deck - 10-12 pages is what i've seen the limit is - Expand on the vision with some details of how - Adding some well communicated science 3) The technical deck - Usually for the PhDs involved in DD or PhD investors. - Deeper dive of the science, well communicated - Well presented, flow, story, intensified feeling of impact.. The usual storytelling applies to bio/deep tech investments, but even more. Impact. The feeling of creating impactful change to disease/human life. Biotechnology & Deep technology are life changing ambitions. UHNWs/Family Offices want to be part of that life long ambition. Money is great, but creating meaningful impact. Moving human civilisation forwards is what we all seek. They're no different. Comments welcomed below If you're a bio/deep tech founding team raising Series A onwards - happy to talk more... #venturecapital #uhnw #entrepreneurship
Love the focus on impact Ricky Patel, PhD If you focus on creating impact the money will flow
Biotech start-ups | Immunology PhD | Incurably Curious
12 个月"Creating meaningful impact"is a key. This is how we structured our deck now after 6 months of just not getting there. How about the numbers? Size of the market, similar exits, etc