Interesting private road zebra crossing in Cremorne (NOT a City of Yarra initiative). A 3x crossing length to slow vehicles prior to the central crossing point. It’s pleasing to see good initiatives being implemented- just needs council to catch up to provide a safe road network for pedestrians and cyclists in Cremorne.
Rick Di Paola的动态
Reminder, we have big truck and trailer parking in Orla! (318)267-4947
Slam dunk transport policy by not only having your own carpark but tick ?? the green policies with cycle storage even providing the pump and tools to fix the bikes. Love it when a plan comes together. Class MA permitted development we eat for breakfast love securing guaranteed planning permission #planningpermission #permitteddevelopment #ransportpolicy #ClassMA #guaranteed
The Woodlands has over 200 miles of pathways and trails. We are often asked who has the right of way at intersections-- the pedestrian or the vehicle. Our blog answers many of the most common questions regarding right of way issues. "Many trails or pathways which cross intersections have stop signs. Pedestrians and bicyclists must obey these signs when they come to an intersection. When approaching an intersection, pedestrians should always stop and look both ways before crossing the intersection. If there is a traffic control device, pedestrians should always wait for the “walk” light to be illuminated before proceeding. Pedestrians, cyclists, and runners should slow down to allow enough time when nearing an intersection that is not controlled by a traffic signal. " Read more on our blog.
There’s a great fuss being made about Sydney’s Northern Beaches developing an e-bike code which I’m strongly in support of, and there’s no question that e-bikes are environmentally friendly and here to stay. What baffles me is why the real safety issue hasn’t been addressed, and here it is. Why build small stretches of joint cycle and pedestrian lanes on very narrow pavements ? Why force cyclists and e-bikes onto the existing narrow and very busy roads of Sydney ? Let’s call on the council to do what other States do ‘build dedicated cycles lanes and beach boardwalks’. keep cyclists away from congested roads and vulnerable pedestrians.
I am so encouraged see BRP working to revolutionize their product categories to Evs, for a post-carbon economy. Joining Swedish mfrs at the front of the pack. It is never easy to make such a bold breakthrough within a corporate culture. So there is a lot of innovation and innovators within BRP that won't make it to the podium, but have all contributed to this moment and this communications campaign. Kudos to the quiet ones making this possible. But now is when the resistance to innovation will multiply. Perhaps it will soon be time to reframe who the customer base is, that will bring such a product line to the mass adoption? Many in the existing customer base will shrug. Most will make fun. Others will criticize. Some will defect. Why invest so much money and effort into people who reside one culture to adopt a different one? Maybe BRP this is your moment to woo the over-my-dead-body customer (gas powered, that is) into the recreational vehicle space? Not just the laggards; the resistors. With regard to #DesignPlanning that would mean less Jason Bourne and something culturally more like Patagonia does. Not just in your background music, the 'adventure unlocked' theme, but start by reimagining all of the testosterone visible in the #IndustrialDesign language as well. People who love eco-tourism, enviro enthusiasts and 'silent sports' risk not seeing their identities reflected in this range of product forms, messages and symbolism.
Three randomly chosen employees embarked on a unique adventure as they hit the snowy trails on our electric snowmobiles for the first time in Mount Valin, Qc with Uncharted Society! It was an exhilarating experience watching everyone gear up, embrace the winter wonderland and conquer new challenges together. ?? #BRPHeartBeat #AdventureUnlocked #EV
Road harmony begins with mutual respect. Let’s work together to make our roads safer for everyone. Be mindful of pedestrians and cyclists, use your indicators, keep a safe following distance, and most importantly—never drink and drive. By making responsible choices, we can create a more respectful and safer driving community for all. Together, let’s commit to a safer journey. #DontDrinkAndDrive
Road safety is the most important aspect of travel.
Dublin City Council is pleased to roll out Flashing Amber Arrows for left-turning vehicles on our Active Travel Network. How does it work? Cyclists have priority over turning vehicles when travelling straight through any junction.? Before making a turn, a driver must: Yield to approaching cyclists. Allow cyclists time to clear the junction. Proceed to make your turn, when it’s safe to do so. This will result in a safer, more pleasant experience for all road users. #RoadSafety #Cyclists #DublinCity #Dublin #DCC #DublinCityCouncil #Clontarf #C2CC #ActiveTravelNetwork #YourJourneyCounts Find out more here:
Farmers frequently argue about the safety of Quad Bikes versus Side by Side Vehicles (SSV's) simply because SSV's are also prominent in farm related accident and fatality statistics. A great article on ABC featuring Farmsafe Australia Inc chairperson, and Tasmanian cattle farmer, Felicity Richards discusses both. Quad Bikes are so prolific in farming fatalities that Safe Work Australia has a specific interavtive page dedicated to tracking the number of quad bike. There have been 20 fatalities on quad in the last twelve months in Australia. The dissapointing aspect of quad regulation is that regulators refuse to mandate the fitting of the Operator Protective Devices (OPD's), or bars, to exisiting bikes on farms, preferring to push for mandatory training and banning children under the age of 16. These are administrative controls, not an engineering solution. The cause of death in fifty percent of quad bike fatailities is crushing or asphyxiation, from the weight of the bike landing on the person. The training won't stop this fom occurring but the fitting of a OPD will greatly reduce the likelihood. Apart from providing a greater level of protection, a farmer that fits an OPD would also reduce the likelihood of prosecution (including workplace manslaughter) as OPD's are a 'reasonably practicable' solution. SSV's definitely provide a much highel level of safety than quads. They have a wider wheelbase, a roll cage, seat belts and speed limiters. The main reason that people are being injured, or dying, in SSV incidents is for the failure to wear the seatbelt. In not using the seatbelt farmers, and farm workers, are often by passing a secondary engineering control which is the speed limiter. Many of the SSV's feature decals on the dash, or on the roof, indicating helmets (as fashionably demonstrated by Felicity) need to be worn when driving SSV's (definitely needed on quads). Many of the injuries, and fatalities, on SSV's involve peoples' heads coming into contact with the windscreen or the roll cage and could have been avoided if they were wearing helmets. - By choice, choose an SSV. - If sticking with the quads, fit the OPD's. - Make sure helmets are used on quads and SSV's. - Make sure seatbelts are worn on SSV.
Thank you to Sophie Jaggers and Fiona Breen for putting together a great piece on quad bikes, SSVs and farm safety on ABC Tasmania last night. Too often stories about farms are filled with footage that reflect unsafe practices (quad bikes without OPDs and riders without helmets for example). Using imagery that demonstrates best practice not only highlights the behaviours we want to encourage, but also showcases our industry at its best; a place where people get to do awesome work safely!
Chartered Engineer with over 30 years experience in strategic planning, upgrades and operations. I'm passionate about improving public transport services, availability, resilience and accessibility.
8 个月Interesting - I get the idea of slowing the traffic, but the visual cues for pedestrians aren’t great … the near end of the crossing leads the unwary user straight to a flower bed if they don’t realise they’re supposed to cross only in the central portion…