To start from scratch means to begin something from the very beginning, with no prior work or advantage. For a 100-meter runner, if the distance was never measured, they'd have no clear starting or ending point. They'd be running without knowing when or where to stop, making the race impossible to complete accurately. Starting from scratch means you have to figure out everything yourself, just like the runner would need to find and mark the 100 meters before they can run the race.
Richard G Thompson的动态
Mastering the basics in the dirt can make all the difference! ????? Just like 'wax on, wax off,' practice turns into instinct. Don’t rush onto pavement—get comfortable with your bike off-road first. Full story on YouTube! #DirtBikeTraining #OffRoadSkills #MotorcyclePractice #RideSmart #AdventureRiding
Did you know short term changes in your running mechanics can actually be less efficient? Train smart, think long-term, and let your body adapt naturally for better race times! ??♀? #RunningEfficiency #RunSmart
Before you get on the road with your group, make sure everyone's on the same page. Here are the top 3 things to discuss in a pre-ride meeting: 1. Route and Stops: Make sure everyone knows the planned route and where the group will stop for breaks. 2. Hand Signals: Review common hand signals for turning, stopping, and other maneuvers. 3. Riding Formation: Use a staggered riding formation and make sure everyone knows their position. #RideCaptainsAndTailGunnersBook #MarkTurkel #RideSafe #MotorcycleLife #BikerTips
I don’t think the power in the freestyle pull comes from rotation. HOWEVER, I think that effective rotation timing can make the pull more effective. How? Rotation lets swimmers get into better positions and hold those positions for longer. And rotation probably allows for more hand speed at the end of the stroke. These small advantages add up. When it comes to freestyle pulling, MORE rotation is NOT better. It’s all about timing. If freestylers are pulling the right arm, they’ll start off on the right side. Once they start pulling, they’ll start rotating to the left. When the hand crosses the shoulders, that’s when they’ll be flat to the water. This is the KEY timing point that allows for swimmers to create as much propulsion as possible. After that, they’ll keep on rolling through. Get the timing right, and swimmers will go faster. What’s your favorite strategy for improving rotation timing? Drop a comment below!
??? Curious about remapping your car? Check out our latest article to learn all about what remapping is, why people do it, and what you need to know before diving in. Read here ?? #CarRemapping #EngineTuning #CarPerformance #CarTuning #BoostYourCar #DriveAutomotiveAdvice #CarMods #PerformanceTuning #Remapping101 #TuningYourCar #CarTech #CustomTuning #FuelEfficiency #MorePower #CarEnthusiasts #RemapBenefits #CarUpgrade #CarTweaks #EngineMods #HorsepowerBoost
If I am designing a set geared towards helping swimmers learn to create more propulsion, stroke counts are one of my go-to strategies. By definition, swimmers have to get more out of each stroke, and creating more propulsion is a really effective way to make that happen. Even better, it makes it objective. That means clearer feedback for swimmers about what works and what doesn’t. Using stroke counts to encourage swimmers to create more propulsion can be used in any context. While it’s smart to start at controlled intensities, they’re more powerful when used at higher speeds., just like they’ll need to do in races.? When swimmers can create more propulsion in race-relevant situations, they’re going to swim faster in competition sooner than later. Just change the stroke count expectation to match the speed and intensity expectation.
Before you get on the road with your group, make sure everyone's on the same page. Here are the top 3 things to discuss in a pre-ride meeting: 1. Route and Stops: Make sure everyone knows the planned route and where the group will stop for breaks. 2. Hand Signals: Review common hand signals for turning, stopping, and other maneuvers. 3. Riding Formation: Use a staggered riding formation and make sure everyone knows their position. #RideCaptainsAndTailGunnersBook #MarkTurkel #RideSafe #MotorcycleLife #BikerTips
In my latest video tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of bleeding Shimano disc brakes equipped with Di2 dual control levers. Enjoy
In the world of cycling, disc brakes have revolutionised braking performance, offering superior stopping power and modulation compared to traditional rim brakes. Unlike rim brakes, which use friction pads to grip the wheel rims, disc brakes utilise calipers that clamp onto a rotor attached to the wheel hub, providing more consistent braking in all weather conditions. However, like any hydraulic system, disc brakes require periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance. One crucial aspect of this maintenance is bleeding the brakes, which involves removing air bubbles from the hydraulic fluid to maintain a consistent brake feel and responsiveness. In my latest video tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of bleeding Shimano disc brakes equipped with Di2 dual control levers. Unlike bleeding non-Di2 hydraulic STI levers, this process has unique intricacies that require careful attention to detail. Whether you're a seasoned mechanic or a novice cyclist looking to learn more about maintaining your bike, my step-by-step instructions and handy tips will help you master the art of bleeding Shimano disc brakes with ease. If you're interested in bleeding non-Di2 hydraulic dual control levers, be sure to check out our dedicated video tutorial for that process as well. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more informative tutorials and helpful cycling tips. If you found this video useful, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends who might benefit from it. #CyclingTips #BikeMaintenance #ShimanoBrakes #Di2Tech #DualControlLevers #DiscBrakes #BikeRepair #CyclingLife #BikeMechanic #CyclingCommunity #BicycleMaintenance #ShimanoTech #BrakeBleeding #CyclingGear #BikeDIY #CyclingTutorials #TechOnTwoWheels #RoadBike #MountainBike #BikeEnthusiast #CyclingTech #bikecare
Shimano Drop Bar Brake Bleed Tutorial For Di2 Dual Control Levers
FROM ZERO TO HERO The hardest hill climb weekend of my career. There have been worse ones, but as far as Sunday rides go, never a harder 10 kilometers: especially the second ride, those last 5km. Let's start from the beginning. After Malacka, we repaired the car. I proudly came to Sljeme, we made a fresh set up and I was very optimistic, an opportunity to take some serious points in the general standings, already at the first training, a big disappointment. The gearbox was throwing out of fourth gear and I had to hold the gear knob for the whole race. In the second training session, I set myself the task of learning where to hold the gear knob and where not to (because it kicks out only when it is in 4th gear and when the load is released). As I have already written many times, I love Sljeme, because it is a track that requires 120% from the driver and you need to concentrate all 120%. Well, just as I was concentrating on the gearbox, I got lost on the track and changed the turn for the next one. 100 % driver's fault, loss of concentration. (I will make a vlog exclusively about this event since there are a lot of questions, so write comments and questions :) After the crash, my hands hurt terribly and I cut myself on the glass, but nothing so bad. We quickly organized ourselves and started looking for parts and arranged the plans as fast as possible. I guess because of the great adrenaline, preoccupation, and everything else, I didn't feel any excessive pain. Only after the first race, did it start to appear, and the second one I drove to the top with great difficulty due to pain in my arms and neck, which could also be seen on the stopwatch. Anyway, P1 at Group 5 and 7. overall... Thanks to the team for the great support. Now we are trying to fix the car to finish the season with it, and I hope that the sponsors will not object to the visual defects from the car. The priority is the gearbox so that I can fight for new points. #racing #hillclimb #crash
THICCC with 3 C’s baby! ?? Let’s talk about wide versus narrow tires, what’s the difference and what’s right for you?! When deciding on getting narrow or wider tires, a good rule of thumb is to increase the width based off of the weight of your car. Narrower tires will help with lighter cars when off-roading because the weight distribution will be more evenly spaced out through the contact pressure on the smaller surfaces of those tires! ???????? Narrow tires are also perfect for the casual off roader or overlander, that has to drive on the highway to work (trust me I get you there) and then hits the trails on the weekends! Now the THICCC-er you go, the more spread out that contact pressure will be, which decreases the amount of pressure per square inch. Wider tires will be better for rolling over big rocks or doing some crazy muffin, but they could hurt your gas mileage if you’re daily driving that car! Some great brands that will fill your tire needs include @bfgoodrichtires with their All Terrains K02’s, Some @mickeythompsontires Baja Boss’s, and @nittotire Ridge Grapplers! If you are needing a new set of tires for your next adventure, check out the link in the bio! ??