And another one! ?? It feels great to see our RIBES partners from #Serbia #Vojvodina, Department of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety and Health, kick-starting the region's new governance spaces, our #MTFs (Multi-Actor Transformative Forums)! Wishing you all fruitful deliberations and constructive teamwork! On to the next one!
An important milestone achieved! Let's get started! On Friday, RIBES project partner, the Faculty of technical sciences Novi Sad successfully initiated the Multi-actor Transformative Forum (MTF) in #Serbia/Vojvodina, a key step for the sucessful project start! Keep an eye out as we generate excitement in Serbia/Vojvodina and across other regions! Let’s collaborate and contribute to further development of bioeconomy sector in the region of Vojvodina, in an innovative and socially acceptable way! Prvi va?an korak je u?injen. Po?injemo! U petak je partner na RIBES project, Fakultet tehni?kih nauka Novi Sad, uspe?no pokrenuo Multi-aktorski transformativni forum (MTF) u #Srbiji, ?to je klju?no za uspe?an po?etak projekta! Pratite nas dok stvaramo promene u Srbiji/Vojvodini i drugim regionima! Hajde da sara?ujemo, i zajedno doprinesemo daljem razvoju sektora bioekonomije u regionu Vojvodine, na jedan inovativan i dru?tveno prihvatljiv na?in!