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What an awesome day!
Yesterday I joined a team of volunteers from the animal shelter as we set up camp in the entranceway to a local ShopRite.
Our goal - raise awareness, collect supplies and donations for the dogs and cats we rescue.
The foot traffic was nonstop (busy store on a Sunday)!.
We greeted people, caught their attention quickly, told our story.
Someone had the foresight to prepare a handout list of supplies people could buy in that store and donate on their way out (cat/dog food/treats/toys plus cleaning supplies).
We kept up the mantra - it's all for the animals.
We spoke to a LOT of people.
I don't know the final count, but after 4 hours, we had filled 4 shopping carts with supplies, and had a donation jar overflowing with bills.
Maybe it helped that animal rescue was on the top of people's minds as everyone watches the horrific situation out west with the wildfires.
Whatever the case, despite needing to thaw out once I got home, I was energized by a sense of accomplishment and belief in good old human nature - a community willing to engage, help, support, advocate and care.
It doesn't matter that this was a basic form a fundraising.
It does matter that this was philanthropy at its best.
And that spirit is what can create positive change going forward.
#fundraising #nonprofits #giving