The “magnetic” personalities of Red7e have been at work attracting talent to Louisville. Back around 2016, Red7e helped create the Live In Lou brand on behalf of Greater Louisville Inc. We also help GLI run digital talent recruitment campaigns for large local employers. And now . . . Red7e’s Leah Halfacre and Hannah Ray are volunteering in the Finding You In Lou program, which is built for college students to learn leadership development, professional development, and network building skills with peers and community leaders. On behalf of Louisville’s growing economy, thanks, Leah and Hannah!??????? #talentattraction #louisville #greaterlouisvilleinc #recruitmentadvertising #liveinlou #red7e
?? Why Culture Matters: A Lesson from the Minnesota Vikings Something is going on in Minnesota. I think it is time we take a closer look... What’s changed? The team’s culture. Under new leadership, the Vikings are more collaborative, innovative, and player-friendly. They embrace adaptability and forward-thinking strategies, creating a positive, high-energy environment. I believe that for the new generation of employees, this type of culture is essential. They thrive in environments where their voices are heard, creativity is encouraged, and teamwork is valued. Whether on the field or in the workplace, building a culture that fosters growth and engagement isn’t just nice to have—it’s crucial for long-term success. #SKOL. #Leadership #CultureMatters #Teamwork #Innovation #NextGenLeadership
I loved hosting Queensway's International Women's Day panel discussion yesterday with panellists Vanessa Hall, Nick Pilbeam and Lucy Soper MCIPD as we talked about empathetic leadership and inspiring inclusion. It's invigorating to be part of a company's conversation about how to make the workplace a more supportive place to be. Imagine if every organisation took the time to inspire people to be more empathetic in their every day? Apart from the obvious and most important factor that staff feel seen and heard and are therefore, happier, it's also proven that it improves retention and results. Key takeaways: Be yourself Ask for feedback - and be prepared to hear it Remember that empathy and compassion is your superpower I really enjoy doing panel moderation so if you're looking for someone to ask the questions at your next event, do get in touch! #empathy #leadership #paneldiscussion #corporatewellness
Yesterday at Queensway, we celebrated International Women’s Day and the theme of ‘Inspiring inclusion’, where we discussed authentic and empathic leadership. We wanted to give a special thank you to our keynote speaker Kellie Nedelcoux (Hick), who brought to life the power of being authentic by sharing her personal story and some practical tips on how you can bring empathy and compassion into the workplace. This was followed by an inspiring panel discussion led by Lallie Fraser, who created the space for the panellists to bring their own experiences of empathy in the workplace to life. A huge thank you to each of our panellists; Vanessa Hall, Nick Pilbeam and Lucy Soper MCIPD. #inspiringinclusion #iwd2024
In 3 days, it will be our 3rd LED of this current class’s year. We’re about for 3 for 3. Next up is Community, Diversity and Culture. Topics explore such issues related to implicit bias, lived experiences, what privilege looks and feels like, and better understanding the history of Flagstaff and how that has impacted our world today. This one gets deep, personally introspective (who am I anyway?) and thought provoking. Let’s get ready to dive in class! #flagstaffleadershipprogram #flagstaff #leadership #leadershipdevelopment
If you want to know how Lee creates great culture, listen to his words with care. It begins with balance. Looking for people qualities first and working out how they fit together, making a whole. This balance has to align with the guiding vision of the team. In football, this might be the way the team plays. In business it might be your mission statement and values. Everything is driven by this foundation. The final word that gives away his strategy is ‘attack’. He thinks about how this group can come together to attack the opposition. Not how they defend what they have. These are the guiding principles for any great culture. England will reap the rewards of his vision. What do you notice about the culture you create? #england #threelions #leadership
Making self-care in the workplace just as important as customer care. Building undefeated organizational teams. Helping leaders lead post-pandemic. Motivating organizations and individuals to maximize potential!
Players are starting to flock to Colorado to play for Deion. Like him or not, he is attracting talent. If you lead your work team effectively, and share the vision, you just might do the same. Sharing where you are going, then going there, is a recruitment and retention tool! Are you sharing your vision? #leadership #postpandemicleadership
NAWIC National Candidate Question # 9 "What more can we do to support our industry and assist in it's growth?" Jodi: NAWIC should continue to take the lead and focus on the demand of talent we so desperately need across the country. Not only is our workforce in the field behind in numbers, leadership and support staff are also difficult to secure. We have the resources to produce meaningful media marketing. We have the talent pool to sit at the table and collaborate with our allies. I BELIEVE measurable growth will come from our members : Leading Builders, BUILDING LEADERS! All of that will come when you embrace the opportunities NAWIC gives with your membership. #writeinjodiwiemerslagenationaltreasurer #leadingbuildersbuildingleaders
Trump's Unique Connection: Listening to the Everyday American Exploring Trump's unconventional approach to leadership, we discuss how he engages with everyday individuals, listening to their needs. This perspective reveals the impact of grassroots feedback in shaping effective policies. #TrumpLeadership #GrassrootsEngagement #PublicSpeaking #EverydayAmericans #PolicyMaking #ListeningSkills #PoliticalStrategy #VoterConnection #EffectiveLeadership #CommunityVoices
On this episode of Mission Control, we talk with Cathleen Edgerly, executive director of Downtown Lansing Inc. We discussed the challenges and innovative solutions during the pandemic, personal reflections on leadership, and the importance of community perception and individual well-being.
Do you know someone with the potential to inspire and lead? Nominate them to become a Rising Leader and help us cultivate the next generation of community changemakers. By recognizing and nurturing their talents, you’re giving them the opportunity to grow into leaders who will make a lasting impact on Cincinnati. Learn more about what we offer. ?? #RisingLeaders #RenewTheCities #NextGenerationLeaders
Many state education agencies and #edleaders can learn from this success story in Illinois. Check out how Region 9 Comprehensive Center (R9CC) and Illinois State Board of Education used three strategies to build a strategic plan for their statewide system of support. #edchat #ContinuousImprovement
Winning teams execute a distinctive system for winning; exhibit strong, consistent leadership; and create a positive working environment. Read this Impact Story about our work with the Illinois State Board of Education to put these insights into action: