If you’re working from home due to the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 situation, it’s ok if your kids voices appear on one of your calls! Guess what? It’s actually their home and their space and they’re deprived from sport activities and schooling, so the least we can do is to accept that situation! Home is Home no matter what we do! So try the “mute” function when you’re calling, but if you have to unmute, don’t worry about it, some calls are boring and they need background music like your kids screaming or your dog barking. These are sounds of life ... #Proud2Represent #Covid19
Thanks Ramez for your post. I just read it today and it is cleared some confusion. Really appreciated.
Practically it is true..
Well Said Sir
Well said
Very nice words
Well said
Ya... you can not scold them for their natural behaviors...
JavaScript Developer