Don't launch into retail if you haven't got these things in place!!! ??
Marketing strategy - marketing is really hard to get right and really costly if you get it wrong. To have maximum return on your investment, you'll need to ensure that all your activations are equating to tangible data that's going to ensure you STAY listed! Investing in the more 'boring' areas like point of sale (POS) deeper cut promos & sampling, and staying away from the 'fun' guerilla stuff that doesn't always have immediate result. It's a combination, but get the results, then have the fun.
Marketing budget - historically you'd assume you need tonnes of cash to make noise. Not these days, we all know lack of budget breeds creativity and creativity gets noticed. However, whatever budget you do have, ensure you're getting that ROI. As above paragraph, deeper cut promo's to drive trial is a great starting point. Sampling is another, getting your product into peoples mouths is key, it becomes sensory and makes your case for the consumer to pick your product over a competitor more compelling.
Access to data - this is key! You really need to know how your product is performing against others to be able to present the data and ultimately the opportunity to your buyer. Data helps you plan, protect and progress!!
Robust supply chain - without having a really reliable and robust chain, you'll come up against problem after problem. You need to ensure your product stays stocked and its a seemless process from manufacturing to shelf.
The right partners - working with partners who have experience and a proven track record of success in your sector is key! If you don't things will get missed and there will be wasted opportunity! I've experienced this first hand over the years and believe me, having the right people in your corner is so important!!
There's many more, but these are some very important ones! Any more you think are key drop a comment!!
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