Great to see CEO Emilie Bodoin cited in Vox’s article about the shortcomings of the lithium-ion battery and the need for innovative solutions like our lithium metal vanadium battery. While the lithium-ion batteries in your phone start to degrade significantly after a few hundred cycles of charging and discharging, lithium metal batteries, which use pure lithium rather than a lithium compound, can last over 2,200 cycles without degradation, an ongoing test shows, Vox Senior Technology Correspondent Adam Clark Estes wrote, citing Pure Lithium’s cycling test results. “Lithium-ion batteries are just not going to improve anymore,” Bodoin told Vox. “They just can’t. They have a theoretical energy density that they can achieve, and you just can’t make that any bigger. That’s the problem.” Read the full article here: Find out more about Pure Lithium’s breakthrough in cycling results here: #technology #batteries #lithium #energystorage