The Worst Pandemic of All Times: Loss Of Trust I am not sure that citizens have fully realised the terrible impact and full implications of the deep loss of trust in our civilisation. Not only have many lost trust in anything that is read, said, seen or heard but since so much data, documents and decisions have been doctored, what of assessments and evaluations in courts, schools, universities, institutions, organisations, to win a case, to gain admission and/or get through, to get published, or for honours or to have a job? Competence and access to jobs/posts are too often politically determined. This has probably always been the case but the shocking mismanagement of the world Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the ugly side of the educational, scientific, medical and employment system. You are "politically" acceptable, you fit? You pass, get your grades/honours or get/keep your job/post. You are "politically" unacceptable, you don't fit? You fail, don't get your grades/honours, don't get or keep your job/post even if you are competent in your field. That's how it goes. Period. A degree assuming that it is deserved - which is not always the case - does not necessarily mean competence. Demonstrated proficiency in a restricted branch whilst feeling completely out of your depth when faced with the vast expanse of data that lies both within and outside you, can this be called competence? Competence needs to be completely redefined. Time for a fundamental Education Revolution: Interface Education., the Education of Tomorrow. See: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Founding Executive Director at International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Centre (IMNRC asbl/vzw)
The New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) strives to BUILD our civilisation's CAPACITY to understand the increasing complexities of an ever changing world, in other words, understand Global Complexity. Understanding Global Complexity REQUIRES: > a fundamental Mindset Revolution = Mindset Reset = Interface Mindset > a fundamental Education Revolution = Interface Education > a fundamental Governance Revolution = Interface Governance IMNRC ---> NCBP ---> Interface Mindset ---> Interface Education ---> Interface Governance Interface Governance is decentralised global governance based on a listening society. The New Global (Interface) Governance Infrastructure is simply an Interface Network - NIM (NIM = National Interface Ministry = National Well-Being and Quality of Life Ministry that integrates all the country's Ministries) Network - of +/- 260 countries each represented by its own NIM. Once completed, the world shall have the basic infrastructure that is needed to achieve and sustain the well-being and quality of life of eight billion human beings at interconnected personal, family, neighbourhood, local, regional, national, continental and world levels. Please refer to More information on the IMNRC including its Flagship Programme the NCBP is available in the IMNRC Brochure ( and the articles/posts/comments that have been and are regularly posted on LinkedIn. It is difficult to assess at this stage how long it shall take to complete the NCBP. A priori ten years, but we are all in an emergency situation now... One day? No. One week? No. One year? No. Two to five five years? Maybe. Depends on the citizens. The IMNRC/NCBP is a huge world project, the first ever of its kind. The IMNRC/NCBP requires only THREE MILLION euros to launch. Only THREE MILLION euros to defuse the world ticking time bomb that is threatening our civilisation and planet. Contact us!