Come celebrate 53 years of heartwarming tradition with the Portsmouth Rotary Club! Join us for a sit down dinner at 12:00PM on November 28th for a Community Thanksgiving. The event is FREE and open to all individuals, children and families! - Thursday, November 28th at 12:00PM - The Jarvis Center at St. Nicholas Greek Church - Call (603) 205-4913 or email [email protected]
Portsmouth NH Rotary的动态
Birmingham Stallions Wide Receiver… Thank you! If you’re a messed up man, you’re going to contribute to a messed up family. If you’re a messed up family, you’re going to contribute to a messed up church, if you’re a messed up church, you’re going to contribute to a messed up community, If you’re a messed up community, you’re going to contribute to a messed up state, If you’re a messed up state, you’re going to contribute to a messed up country, And if you’re a messed up country, you’re going to contribute to a messed up world. The only way to have a better world made up of better countries composed of better states filled with better communities influenced by better churches and inhabited by better families is by becoming a better man. It starts with you. The path to a better world begins with you.
GROW CHURCH GIVING: Providing clear, step-by-step instructions on how to give can increase participation. Learn more strategies! #ChurchGiving
GROW CHURCH GIVING: You should mention giving every week at church. HOW you say it matters more than WHAT you say. #ChurchGiving
Community arts funding is essential!
A really concerning vote is happening on Thursday. After cancelling the funding for the Public Art Program, now there is a vote to cut funding to community grant recipients. Of particular importance (to me and many others), is Art City; a wildly important and necessary organization. These community organizations are what makes our city better, and provide children the opportunity to access a safe space and creative outlets. Sharing this here so if you feel as passionate about this organization as I know many colleagues already do, find a way to show support. Winnipeg can’t afford to lose this space. ?????
Have you begun to wonder if an annual giving appeal is still effective? This short case study is for you. You will read how three churches of various sizes and denominations were guided by an experienced Horizons coach to experience double-digit increases!
Have you begun to wonder if an annual giving appeal is still effective? This short case study is for you. You will read how three churches of various sizes and denominations were guided by an experienced Horizons coach to experience double-digit increases!
When the church is slowly dying, there is a tendency to cut itself off from the ever-changing neighborhood around it. Instead of putting up barriers between the church and community, begin to see the community as a helpmate in redeeming the church. As Christ is in the church so too, he is in the neighborhood. Imagine how the church could open its campus as a community park with a new playground, a dog park in a fenced-in area, or put up a large picnic shelter where the neighborhood could host community yard sales or birthday parties. Begin to reimagine the community and the church with eyes outward instead of eyes inward on the church's needs. #ChurchRevitalization
Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost-A (8/4/2024) Neighborhood VBS Many churches have large Vacation Bible Schools in their church but often only those from church come. Usually there are only a few visitors unless the church makes a great effort to reach those in the immediate area of the church. Kids can not come without transportation and often parents are busy or not interested. In addition, churches often have difficulty getting enough volunteers to staff it. By having small neighborhood VBS at homes of members, it enables members to reach the children in their neighborhood. More children can attend because they don’t need transportation. Since they can walk to it, their parents don’t have to take them. Parents are more likely to let their kids go and kids are more willing to attend since it is in their neighborhood and those attending are from their neighborhood. It also requires a lot less volunteer staff. The church member hosts it and can help with it and those who feel called to teach can conduct several VBS sessions on different weeks in different areas. Members can also get to know their neighbors as they hand out invitations. It also costs less because kits can be ordered as needed rather then planning for a big group that may or may not show up. In a neighborhood VBS, you have a good idea ahead of time how many are coming so you don’t have to order a lot of extra. ?
Are you from this planet? If so, regardless of where you are in the world, it is likely that there is a Lions Club in or near your community. Don't know what is a Lions Club is? Check this out! Scroll down for more info after clicking on the link!
As we partner with other organizations to help families, let’s focus on sharing real love with our community. Learn more about how JCF works to do this very thing in our community: #sermonsunday #jcf #loveandjustice