#Heineken has touched down in Tampa! This past month, we kicked off Heineken's new Silver Sessions series - exclusive events bringing together Heineken Silver and Tampa’s music, art, and hospitality scenes. Each session features local talent and custom artwork created by artists inspired by the DJs playing at each venue. Program development, program management, event production, event management, talent programming, and staffing led by POPLIFE. Project led by Melissa Nunez. #heinekensilver #heinekensilversessions #silversessions #eventseries #tampa #tampaevents #beer #art #music #hospitality #programdevelopment #programmanagement #creativestrategy #eventproduction #production #eventmanagement #eventstaffing #staffing #talentprogramming #programming #artists #djs #experiential #experientialmarketing #experientialagency #poplife #betterwithfriends