With polarization stalling Congress, state governments have increasingly taken a more active role in addressing issues such as voter access, women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigration. As a result, gubernatorial, secretary of state, attorney general, and state legislative elections have been watched even more closely. The PoliciPro team has just released its 2024 State Elections guide to help you keep track of and understand the impacts of these elections on political power within the U.S. A few key takeaways: - Legislative seats in 44 states are up for election, which is more than 5,800 races. - 11 gubernatorial seats up for election. - 7 secretary of state seats are up for election. - 10 attorney general seats are up for election - 159 statewide measures on the ballot across 41 states. Download our 2024 State Elections Guide here: https://lnkd.in/dVZt8znB or visit policipro.com. Reach out to [email protected] if you require an in-depth analysis of state elections and policymaking. #politics #stateelections #election2024 #attorneygeneral #secoftstae #gubernatorial #governorsrace #policipro #governmentaffairs
Issued today, two reports from the C&AG cast a spotlight on Transparency and Excellence in Annual Reporting? #publicaudit #transparency #annualreporting
Finally! Kind of nuts though that this is the first such law to be adopted by the EU Parliament.
Parliament approves first ever EU rules on combating violence against women | News | European Parliament
We stand on the shoulders of those who come before us. Today is significant as it marks an unshackling of fear, a blossoming of hope, and a statement of conviction that women can - and will - challenge the systems that cause sexism, misogyny, and inequity in politics. This week, Next25 launch the first nationwide Improving Democracy: Transforming Parliament for Women program, inviting all women MPs to join a collective of Australian women driving change in parliaments across Australia and restoring trust with a disillusioned public. This launch is due in large part to the commitment and trust of NSW women MPs who dove into this program and continue to collaborate across party lines on amazing systems change work - you can hear some of them in the video below. Equally moving, is one participant recently calling the program "Women Transforming Parliament For All" ?? If you're interested in politics, democracy, or the way women are treated in either, please consider sharing this video. More info - https://lnkd.in/ggYPZf3U Charlotte Mortlock Chloё Spackman Renu Burr Lisa Doig #auspol #womeninpolitics #democracy
Next25 is thrilled to launch our inaugural nationwide Improving Democracy: Transforming Parliament for Women program. This initiative has already achieved significant success in NSW, where it originated, and it’s now time to expand its impact and offer it to women MPs across the country. Hear from five alumnae about the importance of this program and its impacts to date. ?? Watch the video here?https://lnkd.in/g8JdcRmR Please share this video to help us build a more inclusive and supportive Parliament for all. More on this initiative and how to register here https://www.next25.org.au/ If you want to nominate a woman MP to take part, you can here https://lnkd.in/grgDx8yC Liesl Tesch AM Aileen MacDonald OAM MLC Leslie Williams Kobi Shetty MP Renu Burr Lisa Doig Malcolm Doig Corporate Evolution Pty Ltd Ralph Ashton Taryn Williams Nigel Andrade Rachel Peck #trustingovernment #womeninpolitics
Improving Democracy: Transforming Parliament for Women - some things are above politics
?? Discover the new configuration of the offices of the permanent committees of the Senate in the DRC for 2024, a reflection of the political diversity and the balance of forces present! ???? #SenateDRC #Politics #Diversity #Inclusion ??
Distribution of offices of the permanent committees of the Senate of the DRC for the year 2024: Reflection of political diversity and future challenges
Job Opportunity! Call for Expressions of Interest: 2023 State of Human Rights Report? It is envisioned that the Consultant will undertake the following non-exhaustive assignments, as assigned by, and under the immediate supervision of the Programmes Coordinator: ?????Conduct desk and field research to generate background information that will inform the report on the state of human rights in Zimbabwe in 2023. This will primarily entail the review and analysis of the following: -????????Reports compiled by researchers, civic society organizations, government and inter-governmental departments, national human rights institutions (such as the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission), and international human rights research institutions/think tanks; -????????Legal jurisprudence/judgments relevant to the thematic areas of concern that were handed down during the year under review; -????????Applicable statutory frameworks such as the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], as well as international and regional human rights instruments; -????????Credible information derived from reputable and verified media sources; and -????????Key informant interviews (including with identified victims of human rights abuses) to aid in the generation of primary data. for full details, please follow the link below: https://lnkd.in/ggwEbxp6
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A union of Equality! Have a look at the political guidelines set-out by Ursula von der Leyen for the next term of the European Commission (2024-2027). During her speech at the European Parliament yesterday, Ursula von der Leyen set out her "political guidelines" for the next 5 years. From, amongst others, a new Clean Industrial Deal and a renewed focus on competitiveness, innovation and the reduction of bureaucracy to the set-up of a European Savings and Investments Union and an increased attention on both the security of the Union as well as quality of life within the Union, these guidelines hold a very interesting read for Board members to assess the direction of the European economy and society. She also underlined the need to continue working towards a Union of Equality. Although historic progress was made from women on boards to the new pay directive, the new Commission will continue its work to strengthen and promote gender equality. A new Gender Equality Strategy for post-2025 was announced. We can also expect a Roadmap for women's rights at the next International Women's day! Very much looking forward to see what the future holds! We will certainly keep you posted! #EuropeanCommission #genderequality #womenonboards #diversityandinclusion #boardmembers
Political Guidelines 2024-2029 | European Commission
The Senate Standing Committee on Indigenous Peoples has recently released an interim report focusing on Establishing an Indigenous Human Rights Framework. The report sheds light on the deep-rooted issues leading to violence, abduction, and tragic deaths among Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQI+ individuals. The findings highlight two significant factors contributing to these alarming trends: 1. The long-standing pattern of deliberate violations of Indigenous and human rights, as uncovered by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. 2. The enduring impact of historical federal policies of assimilation and colonialism, resulting in the marginalized socio-economic status and unmet needs of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQI+ individuals. The Standing Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples has been diligently examining the federal government's obligations towards First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, alongside broader issues concerning Indigenous communities. Through this comprehensive review, the committee has put forth 8 crucial recommendations aimed at upholding, safeguarding, and advancing the human rights of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, as well as 2SLGBTQI+ individuals. While the federal government bears a significant role in ensuring the protection and fulfillment of the rights of MMIWG and 2SLGTQI+, the responsibility extends beyond governmental entities. Every individual and corporation in Canada shares the obligation to contribute towards this essential cause. It is imperative for all members of society to reflect on their actions and commitments towards upholding the human rights of Indigenous people. What steps are you taking to fulfill this shared responsibility and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable future for all?
Standing Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples (44th Parliament, 1st Session)
The latest #GeneralElection Media Analysis shows ‘standards, corruption, scandals and sleaze’ is the second most covered issue of week 4. ??? This propels the issue to 3rd in the overall campaign rankings, as it takes focus away from important election issues, such as the economy, immigration and health. Other findings include:? ?? The row over trans rights has seen JK Rowling take a place in the top 10 most talked about people? ?? Quotes from Conservative and Labour party leaders and members dominated the press coverage, with Reform and Liberal Democrats taking small percentages? ?? This week saw an increased visibility in ‘minority group’ topics Read more from Loughborough’s Centre for Research in Communication and Culture: https://lboro.uk/3L0m3DM?
A grand fortress of morality that politicians can’t easily tear down or graffiti with their dodgy agendas & amendments. Why Enshrining Human Rights in the Constitution is the Best Option 1. Permanence & Stability: Constitutional protections are as permanent as that mysterious stain on your favorite shirt. They can’t be easily changed or repealed by every transient government ensuring stable & continuous protection of human rights. 2. Stronger Legal Protections: Higher Legal Authority: Top of the legal food chain. Constitutional rights the supreme law of the land. Meaning any contradicting law or action can be invalidated by courts. It’s like having a superhero cape – very powerful. Any conflicting legislation can be tossed out by the courts, offering a robust defense against infringement. 3. Preventing Government Overreach: Big Brother’s Kryptonite, Government Accountability: Enshrining human rights in the Constitution puts a leash on their ability to pass laws that infringe on these rights. The ultimate check against government overreach and abuse of power. Constitutional rights set clear standards, enhancing accountability & preventing arbitrary actions. 4. Alignment with International Standards: Global Reputation. Keeping Up with the Neighbors: Most Western democracies have constitutional bills of rights. Aligns with international standards, polishing a country’s global reputation & commitment to human rights. 5. Public Trust & Confidence: Constitutional human rights protections can bolster public trust in the legal system, ensuring that rights are protected regardless of political shifts. Enhancing public trust by showing a strong commitment to protecting individual rights. 6. Judicial Enforcement: Constitutional rights can be enforced by the judiciary, providing individuals a clear path for redress in cases of violations. Courts have the authority to interpret & apply these rights, ensuring they are upheld. Enshrining human rights in the Constitution offers stronger, more permanent protections & enhances government accountability. While facing opposition, often from those fearing power shifts or increased regulation, the benefits are significant. It ensures long-term stability, aligns with international standards & provides robust legal mechanisms against abuses. #ndis
#HumanRightsAu #ConstitutionalReform * There is widespread support in the Australian community for a human rights act. A Human Rights Law Centre poll from 2021 found that 83 per cent of people believed there should be a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of all Australians. * Recent publication of a report from the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights in May set out recommendations. Among its 17 recommendations was legislation to establish a human rights act. * The #RoboDebt case — in which hundreds of thousands of welfare recipients were wrongly issued debt notices — and evidence from the #DisabilityRoyalCommission, as well as loss of rights under #Covid19 have drawn the community's attention to the need for better human rights protections. * The Australian Human Rights Commission says that Australia has a patchwork legal framework of human rights protections that are scattered through pieces of legislation, the Constitution and common law, calling this approach "incomplete and piecemeal". * While some people may believe that the Australian Constitution contains human rights protections, it only contains limited rights such as the right to vote, the right to trial by jury for certain offences, and some protection of freedom of religion and political communication. #HumanRightsActAu
Why doesn't Australia have a human rights act?
As #Commonwealth Parliamentarians and global experts gather in #Singapore for the CPA/UNDP Conference on #ArtificialIntelligence and #Disinformation: ‘Democracy in the age of #deepfakes’, we share the recent digital issue of The Parliamentarian which examined the challenges that Artificial Intelligence, disinformation and synthetic media are creating for #democracy in the Commonwealth and how #Parliaments can face these challenges. This issue brought together global tech experts to explain what synthetic disinformation is and how AI is threatening our democracies as well as articles also highlight the impact of AI on elections and gender equality. Access the CPA Journal for FREE ? https://lnkd.in/eZ9cG2Uf
The Parliamentarian: 2024 Issue One: Artificial Intelligence, disinformation and Parliament