Gun violence, especially among children, is a serious issue happening every day in this country. In this episode of Liz Life Guru, Liz analyzes the statistics behind the problem and explains how to spot the warning signs. Listen to Liz Life Guru here:
Podcast Nation?的动态
Before creating this documentary series and getting into my relationships, I had no idea about red flags and that such things existed, except for the times my body felt uncomfortable in certain circumstances, which I couldn’t explain. As a people pleaser, I tended to block all of those triggers and overlook them, telling myself that I was too sensitive or trying to rationalize that there was nothing wrong with this person—they were charming and had a sense of humor. But over time, not listening to those early body sensations made me realize that my body always sends me signals trying to communicate something. My job is to listen to it. If I don’t, I repeat the pattern of being in my head instead of being in my body and my senses. Breaking the pattern of being a people pleaser means being able to listen to your body and act based on what your body tells you. Even now, I still struggle with this many times as there are so many signals coming from our body, sometimes from past traumas and a lack of trust. Have you ever ignored red flags in a relationship? What made you overlook them? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! #RedFlags #AbusiveRelationships #DomesticViolenceAwareness #Exposit88Stories #HealingJourney #ListenToYourInstincts #MentalHealth #DocumentarySeries #SubscribeNow
In the second episode of our documentary series “Exposit 88 Stories,” we delve into the topic of red flags in relationships. Our expert, Lisa A. Romano explains the dynamics of being in the cycle of an abusive relationship and why we often ignore these warning signs. Another speaker, @Caroline Markel Hammond shares her own experiences and the lessons she learned from red flags. Did you know that studies show that up to 85% of domestic violence victims ignored early warning signs? It’s time to start listening to our instincts and recognizing these signals earlier. Subscribe to the documentary to learn more! #RedFlags #AbusiveRelationships #DomesticViolenceAwareness #Exposit88Stories #HealingJourney #ListenToYourInstincts #MentalHealth #DocumentarySeries #SubscribeNow
We understand the implications of domestic violence on the mental health of children and youth. This week we have an important discussion on a Colorado Ballot question seeking to address the rise of domestic violence and the drop in funding. Come listen:
We interrupt our normal programming to bring you a SPECIAL episode. As ballots go out we want you to know about Prop KK. With domestic violence on the rise in Colorado and funding down tens of millions to support victims, House Majority Leader Monica Duran and Elizabeth Newman from the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault talk about solutions. Join us this week to learn more:
New pod! Tune in to our latest episode with Caron Kipping Discover strategies for overcoming domestic abuse challenges and finding strength in courtroom battles. Listen here: #DomesticAbuseSupport
Learn how isolation and shame allows abuse to go unchecked by listening to this week's episode of Unsilenced: Real Conversations About Abuse at or reading an article on the subject here:
?? New video alert! ?? ?? Watch the full video now on YouTube! In today’s video, we dive into The Circle of Abuse with BGBVC outreach team member, Ms. Phelelo Moswetsi. Do you know why some GBV survivors find it difficult to leave their abusers? Knowledge is power—understanding the cycle of abuse can help break it.
The circle of abuse
Uncover the complex issues behind youth criminality and how schools can help. Get expert strategies in this episode:
In our ongoing campaign to spread awareness about human trafficking and our efforts to combat it, we’re assembled top myths for you to learn about and share within your organization. Learn how to help create the end of the line for human trafficking here -
It's essential to carry forward the vital conversations sparked during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Our latest episode of Let's Talk, dives deep into these critical discussions, providing insights and resources to support those affected by domestic violence. ?? Learn More:
Trying to make sense of the tragedy. I came into work this morning and we were still in a full-width setup. We will certainly have conversations in the coming hours about if/when to move away from this presentation, but the point the homepage is to convey: we're on it, we're updating frequently, we're asking questions, we're trying to figure out how this happened, we're trying to do right by the victims and their families and we're holding public officials accountable for their actions and words. Main story: Live updates: The victims: A reconstruct of the events: Fact Checker: Extremely relevant coverage: And there is more on the way.