Friends, we have a unique need for an introductory Spanish teacher for one morning class. Please share, and if you are interested, please apply here:
Piedmont Unified School District的动态
School District: Preparing for the new school year? We're sharing crucial tips on translating key documents to support non-English-speaking families. These translations promote inclusivity, enhance communication, and empower families to engage fully in their children's education. Discover how these efforts can make a difference in your school community:
Behaviour and YOU: #5 Behaviour and being a mature, ethnic minority teacher (with SEND children at home!) Our 5th Conversation for the Behaviour and YOU! Project, Teacher Michelle, @MAJ_teach shares her experiences and offers useful strategies on behaviour. Read the full blog here:
?? How to build positive relationships with parents as an international teacher ?? As an international educator, fostering strong partnerships with parents is essential for student success and a harmonious school community. Building positive relationships with parents enhances communication, encourages collaboration, and supports students’ academic and personal growth. Our latest blog explores effective strategies for international teachers to cultivate meaningful connections with parents, the importance of parent-teacher relationships, and practical tips to navigate cultural differences while fostering mutual trust and respect:
Grammar schools are academically-oriented secondary schools, one among the three types of schools forming the Tripartite System. This is the first nationwide system of state-funded secondary education in England and Wales, created under the 1944 Education Act and was later echoed by the Education (Northern Ireland) Act 1947. Grammar schools in London are academically selective schools. Grammar schools are government-funded, but the children who pass their entrance exams can only secure a seat here. Grammar schools are quite different from modern secondary schools as they take students’ admissions based on academic achievement, whereas a secondary modern may not. These are non-fee-paying schools.
The theme for World Teacher's Day 2024 is “Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for Education”. This theme focuses on the importance of listening to teachers and involving them in shaping educational policies and practices.
How about putting EVERYTHING in at the start for our children's sake. ??Look, this is how you show ours Latin alphabet on the various user interfaces today in Books, Newspapers, Magazines, etc., so look??at the letters that YOU write yourself, how many small letters you can count in a text' then count the CAPITAL LETTERS, which only amount to approx. . 1.5% of ALL WRITTEN TEXT in the WORLD and less. Stress and discomfort are the new public illness, and it can be difficult to feel yourself in a busy everyday life. Sometimes life has to take a deep dive, or you have to be inspired by others, before you realize what actually gives you joy and quality of life, so you can start here. Questions: What font do you see on your Mobile Phone, Laptop or Desktop keyboard? THINK about how early our children today are confronted with the Latin alphabet. The small letters fill 98% q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o, p, ? a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, ?, ? z, x, c, v, b, n, m Capital letters take up 2% Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, ? A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, ?, ? Z, X, C, V, B, N, M Isn't it THOUGHTFUL that in all primary school classes, we advertise with our Latin alphabet in this way as seen below, except for vowels and consonants. Enrollment in our Folkeskoler shows the Latin alphabet in this way. New image for the keyboard. Qq, Ww, Ee, Rr, Tt, Yy, Uu, Ii, Oo, Pp, Yy Aa, Ss, Dd, Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll, ??, ?? Zz, Xx, Cc, Vv, Bb, Nn, Mm There's nothing to be said for things going the way they are going???????????? this is where Letterkey comes into the picture, with one NEW PICTURE on the keys. EVERYTHING STARTS WITH THE CHILDREN?????? Children love colors?????? The children's VOICE is heard' but because children have no voice' at such an early age, it is the parents in the first period and then come the after-school teachers and the SCHOOL//teachers who also have the child's voice. QUESTIONS????? Have YOU ever WONDERED why only the CAPITAL LETTER is shown on our KEYBOARDS. ?????? Do YOU remember what the alphabet looked like in YOUR primary school class, small pieces of cardboard that still today hang on the wall in a long row in the classrooms, today it is also made in poster form but in the same order as the cardboard strengths. REMEMBER?????????????????? ?? to Yes, this is also where the colors fit in with school children on the KEYBOARD, listen to BRAIN RESEARCHER Peter Lund Madsen in the video below on the link FaseBook YouTube ?? Alphabet Keyboard Idea. Letterkey has cracked the learning code' for our children / schooling and the weak spelling and writing disabled children as adults / bilingual, Steam, Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc. Then you get your own extra keyboard which contains 2 different colored Designs that you can choose from, which can be used by Apple IOS iPhone Tablet and Laptop and for Android products. Many greetings John Christensen Tel: +45 5354 3410 Mail: [email protected]
Apply for a place now on our 2024/2025 after-school Dyslexia Workshops for children with dyslexia. There are 22 local Workshops across Ireland and they are led by specially trained teachers and are designed to develop children's literacy skills and self-confidence in a friendly and supportive environment. In your local Workshop the dyslexic young person is supported in the development of reading, spelling and writing skills, using a multi-sensory approach informed by the science of reading. Apply for a place for your child now. ?
Metsala was an advisor on the Ontario Human Rights Commission's Right to Read report, which was published in 2022. The?report revealed?that Ontario's public education system was failing students by not using evidence-based approaches in teaching reading.? In?New Brunswick?and?Nova Scotia, recent reading assessment results showed low literacy rates among elementary school students.? OUR CHILDREN CAN NOT READ OR WRITE IN ENGLISH OR FRENCH---THEY ARE ILLITERATE IN CANADA.
Have you seen our YouTube channel? The Bill of Rights Institute believes primary sources are essential for teaching civics and history. And when teachers and students analyze primary sources, we ensure they have the support they need. Visit to see all of the video resources we have available on our YouTube channel. Check out our Scholar Talks, Primary Source Essentials, Homework Help Series, and more! #BillofRightsInstitute #BRI #YouTube
Being a literacy teacher may be a fulfilling job! To get you going, consider these useful tactics: 1. Knowledge of Phonemes Blending sounds: Practice mixing sounds without letters to start with phonemic awareness. This aids kids in comprehending how sounds combine to make words. Utilise sound boxes to encourage orthographic mapping, aiding children's letter-sound correspondence1. #theeducationalist #theliteracyteacher #teachingreading
Our survey of Houston-area parents and educators made one thing clear: Latino parents and caregivers want to be involved in their children’s education. But barriers in our educational system continue to keep our Latino parents from fully engaging. Latinos for Education CEO and Founder Amanda Fernandez shares some ways our parents and educators think the educational system can change not just to benefit and engage them, but ultimately benefit our Latino students. Download our parent survey white paper to learn more: English: Espa?ol: