Today, we remember the lives lost and the heroes who emerged on 9/11. #NeverForget
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Today, we pause to remember and honor the brave souls who sacrificed for our freedom. Their courage and resilience remind us of the strength in unity and the price of peace. Lest we forget?? ? #RemembranceDay #LestWeForget #InFlandersFields #TES #TheEventsSanctuary #EventPlanner #OttawaEventPlanner #CanadaEventPlanner #CorporateEventPlanner #EventPlanning #613Events
Today, we remember and honor the brave souls who gave their lives for our freedom. We are forever indebted to their sacrifice. May their courage and dedication never be forgotten. #MemorialDay #HonorAndRemember #dynastylaw #ILestateplanningattorney #Chicagoestateplanningattorney #willsandtrusts #estateplanning #estateandtrustadministration #estateandtrustadministration #specialneedsplanning #probate #will #attorneynearme #kidsprotectionplan #personalfamilylawyer #createyourdynasty #assetprotection
As we gather to honor the brave souls who gave everything for our freedom, let's also cherish the moments with loved ones that they made possible. Today, we remember and salute the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. #homebuyingprocess #homebuying #realtor #realtorlife #realtor? #deltonafl #coldwellbanker #coldwellbankercoastrealty #DeltonaRealEstate #DebaryRealEstate #floridarealestate
On this #MindfulMonday, let's take the opportunity to have a mindful #MemorialDay ?? Our first Memorial Day (previously known as Decoration Day) was observed back in 1868. This was to commemorate those who lost their lives in the American Civil War, and allow a day for collective grief. As we continue to observe this day, we mourn and memorialize all of our lost soldiers over the years. Memorial Day should not be a day of mindless observance, rather a mindful day to acknowledge the meaning and importance. This could mean mourning those you have personally lost, a collective mourning for all the lives lost, or some moments to practice gratitude. How will you move through this day mindfully? #MentalHealthMatters
At Peacefully, we know how important family is, so we made a product to help you leave them with the right information and tools to carry on your legacy. #peaceofmind #peacefully #endoflife #estateplanning
We honor the fallen not just on Memorial Day, but every day. Let their legacy of service inspire us to be better citizens and build a more peaceful world. #MemorialDay #NeverForget #HonorTheFallen #ThankYouForYourService #MemorialDayWeekend #???? #FreedomIsNotFree #Heroes #LestWeForget #MemorialDayObservance
Our deepest gratitude to our fallen heroes and their families. Wishing everyone a peaceful Memorial Day. Let us remember and honor their courage, dedication, and selflessness. May their sacrifices never be forgotten, and may we always cherish the gift of liberty they have secured for us. #memorialday #memorialdayweekend #realestate #realtorlife #realestatebroker #realestatelife #realestateagent #realtor? #realestateinvesting #realestateadvice #robertslackllc #robertslackrealestate
Hey everyone me and family been under the weather, reason for my absence for over a week. My four year old nephew unfortunately has the h1n1 virus. We've been in quarantined mode. Here's the documentary I referenced in my last video. The documentary is titled "The Man Who Tomorrow" 1981. At 1:02:45 - 1:03:39 of video We can prevent disasters! At 1:10:42 of video Nostradamus believed that natural disasters would precede a global war. In our timeline we had the pandemic of 2020 -2022, which may lead into World War 3. 1:11:42 of video Nostradamus World War 3 prophecy. Failed Prophecy or Delayed Prophecy? You be the judge! But, keep the following in mind. Assad is currently seeking asylum in Russia, under Putin. The actors in documentary surprising do look like Assad and Putin. The actor portraying the President, does look like Trump.
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow (1981)
Take a moment to pause, honor, and be grateful for the little things.. ??“I get to go to work today” ??” I get to have coffee and catch up with a peer” ??“I get to do work that is meaningful and excites me” ?You have the chance to engage in an activity that may be valuable, enjoyable, or fulfilling. This can foster a sense of gratitude and appreciation. ?A desire to pursue a goal, learn a new skill, or experience something new. ?It emphasizes personal agency and the ability to make choices about how to spend your time and energy, which can enhance one's sense of control over their life. ?Viewing obligations as opportunities can shift one's mindset, turning potentially burdensome tasks into positive experiences. ?Often, the things we "get to do" involve social interactions or contribute to community, highlighting the importance of relationships and collaboration.
Today, we pause to honor the lives forever changed by the tragic events of September 11, 2001. We remember the heroes who bravely gave everything to save others, and we pledge to never forget their sacrifice. #NeverForget
"It's time you realized that you have something in you more powerful and miraculous than the things that affect you and make you dance like a puppet." ~Marcus Aurrlius #newmonth #newstart #newfocus #newblessings #newintentions #newopportunities #everyoneseeswhatyouappeartobe #fewexperiemcewhoyoureallyare #thepeoplewhowoundusgetnosay #inhowwecleanuptheblood #changeyouropinions #keeptoyourprinciples #changeyourleaves #keepintactyourroots