ESG - extra sales generation?
Currently, it is impossible to have a week, day or an hour when ESG does not come up in the conversation. Why are we talking about ESG as a separate issue/category?
The big fear is that all the froth about ESG in the market will be really negative for the investor because:
- supply/demand will push prices up
- people will end up with their pension money in funds that may have over global concentration or concentration in small stocks so inadvertently increased the risk;
- it will be a fad leaving people in forgotten funds when the fad is over.
In defined contribution pensions, the risk is with the people not the sponsor, trustee or provider.
Any investor/asset manager should already be looking at the sustainability of the business so inevitably the E, S and G will be considered as part of the research. They will also recognise companies whose businesses are transitioning from old world to new world that means that these companies are not excluded.
There could be significant damage if pension funds "force" or are forced to change to ESG friendly funds and even more damage if people are encouraged to go into specialist ESG funds to "save the world". Let's make it a natural evolution rather than creating artificial market forces. Proceed with haste not speed.
Totally agree Michelle. The underlying data and process that supports filtering is not exact. An ESG bubble ?