The ACM PEARC Steering Committee officially announced the PEARC26 General Conference Chairs: ? Shafaq Chaudhry, Ph.D.?- Director, Research Technology, Graduate & Research IT, University of Central Florida ? ? Shava S.?- San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California San Diego ? ? Tabitha Samuel?- National Institute for Computational Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Shafaq, Shava, and Tabitha recognize the invaluable role that PEARC plays in the RCD field. They are thrilled about the opportunity to give back to the community by serving as co-general Chairs for PEARC26. Their goal is to ensure that PEARC26 provides a welcoming environment where all participants can connect, share ideas, and feel valued. Learn more about the PEARC26 General Conference Chairs!
What an amazing leadership team for PEARC26!
Congrats to the PEARC GC team!
The power trio! PEARC26 is going to be great.
You three will be excellent