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How do you get an internship at PBS SoCal? Let's ask a few people who'd know--our summer interns! If you or someone you know is seeking a spring internship, we have openings across multiple departments! Apply here:?www.pbssocal.org/careers

Kaleb Sweringen

Production Assistance & 3D Art

2 个月

Just applied! Very interested in the opportunity to work on a series combining video games and education ??

Brett Bermudez

Animator, Artist, Game-Dev

2 个月

Super excited for this round of internships! ? I've heard so many good things. ? ??

Evan Bolanos

Entertainment Media Management Student at California State University Northridge

2 个月

Just applied! Super excited about the potential opportunity ??

Hayden Westerfield

Storyteller, Digital Media

2 个月

Applied! Very excited about the Digital Media intenrship.

Ally Guerra

Public Relations Intern @ Beck Media | Academy Gold Rising Class of 2024

2 个月

Applied! ??

