??? Day 9: 160 Days of DSA Challenge ??? Today’s challenge: Minimize the Heights II! ?? Focused on balancing heights by strategically increasing or decreasing values to minimize the maximum difference. This problem enhanced my understanding of sorting and greedy algorithms. Excited for what’s next! ?? #DSA #GeeksForGeeks #160DaysOfDSA #CodingChallenge #ProblemSolving #WomenInTech
??Day 1 of my 160-day DSA Challenge in GFG! Started the journey with a simple yet insightful problem: finding the second-largest number in an array. It was a great exercise in logic and optimization, and I'm excited to dive deeper into the world of algorithms. ??? #GeeksforGeeks #DSA #CodingChallenge #LearningJourney
?? Day 71: The Discipline of DSA - 71 Days Down, 89 to Go! ?? ?? Problem Statement: Detect Loop or Cycle in Linked List ?? Approach: Using Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm ?? Key Learnings: Understood the efficiency of the slow and fast pointer approach in detecting cycles. Learned how Floyd’s Algorithm optimizes space complexity while ensuring cycle detection in O(N) time. ?? Reflection: This problem reinforced the importance of pointer manipulation and cycle detection techniques, which are essential in linked list operations and graph-related problems. ???? Journey Ahead: Looking forward to exploring more cycle-related problems and mastering linked list optimizations! ?? #GFG160 #GeekStreak2024 #DSA #CodingJourney #160DaysChallenge #ProblemSolving #GeeksForGeeks #LearningNeverStops
Day 24 of my 160-day DSA challenge: Tackled the concept of overlapping intervals!Gained insights into merging intervals and solving real-world scheduling problems efficiently. ?? #DSAChallenge #CodingJourney #ProblemSolving #GeeksforGeeks
?? Day 24: The Discipline of DSA - 24 Days Down, 136 to Go! ?? ?? Problem Statement: Merge Overlapping Intervals ?? Approach: Used the "Check Last Merged Interval" method to efficiently merge overlapping intervals. ?? Key Learnings: Gained deeper insights into interval-based challenges and their applications in real-world scenarios like calendar scheduling and resource allocation. Developed better skills in identifying overlaps and combining intervals for optimized results. ?? Reflection: Solving this problem highlighted the importance of handling edge cases carefully and reinforced the value of systematic approaches in problem-solving. ???? Journey Ahead: Every challenge enhances my understanding of algorithms. Excited to tackle more complex problems and advance further in my DSA journey! ?? #GFG160 #GeekStreak2024 #DSA #CodingJourney #160DaysChallenge #ProblemSolving #GeeksForGeeks
?? Day 55: The Discipline of DSA - 55 Days Down, 105 to Go! ?? ?? Problem Statement: Count Possible Triangles ?? Approach: Two Pointer Technique ?? Key Learnings: Understood the importance of sorting arrays to simplify geometric problems and effectively use the two-pointer technique to count valid triangles. ?? Reflection: Every new problem strengthens logical thinking and enhances confidence in approaching complex scenarios with optimal solutions. ???? Journey Ahead: Excited to explore more geometric and combinatorial problems, pushing boundaries and aiming for greater efficiency! ?? #GFG160 #GeekStreak2024 #DSA #CodingJourney #160DaysChallenge #ProblemSolving #GeeksForGeeks #LearningNeverStops
?? Day 31 of my GFG 160 DSA Course Journey! ?? Today's challenge: Find a Peak Element. ?? I solved this using an optimized binary search approach: ? Compared mid with its neighbors to decide the search direction. ? Moved right if arr[mid] < arr[mid+1] (peak lies on the slope). ? Otherwise, moved left to explore a possible peak or stop at mid. ? Handled edge cases like single-element arrays and peaks at boundaries. ?? Key Takeaways: ? Time Complexity: O(log n) ? Space Complexity: O(1) ? Applications: Signal processing, stock analysis, and optimization problems. Feeling great about solving this with an efficient approach! It's amazing to see how binary search can solve diverse problems. ?? #gfg160 #geekstreak2024 #GeeksForGeeks #DSA #Day31 #BinarySearch #PeakElement #EfficientAlgorithms #KeepCoding #CodingJourney GeeksforGeeks
?? Day 68: The Discipline of DSA - 68 Days Down, 92 to Go! ?? ?? Problem Statement: Reverse a Linked List in Groups of Given Size ?? Approach: Using Recursion ?? Key Learnings: Leveraged recursion for group-wise reversal. Gained deeper insights into pointer manipulation. ?? Reflection: This challenge reinforced my understanding of linked list operations and recursive problem-solving. ???? Journey Ahead: Eager to tackle more advanced linked list problems and strengthen my DSA expertise! ?? #GFG160 #GeekStreak2024 #DSA #CodingJourney #160DaysChallenge #ProblemSolving #GeeksForGeeks #LearningNeverStops
?? Day 69: The Discipline of DSA - 69 Days Down, 91 to Go! ?? ?? Problem Statement: Add Two Numbers Represented as Linked List ?? Approach: By Storing Sum on the Longer List ?? Key Learnings: Mastered handling carry propagation while adding two linked lists. Learned how to efficiently manage different list lengths without extra space. ?? Reflection: This problem reinforced my understanding of linked list traversal and in-place modifications, making addition operations more efficient. ???? Journey Ahead: Excited to explore more linked list-based arithmetic challenges and optimize further! ?? #GFG160 #GeekStreak2024 #DSA #CodingJourney #160DaysChallenge #ProblemSolving #GeeksForGeeks #LearningNeverStops
*Day 34/90: DSA Challenge* I'm thrilled to share that I've completed Day 34 of the #DSA90DayChallenge! Leetcode 1004. Max Consecutive Ones (Variable Sized Sliding Window) *Solution:* Implemented two approaches: 1. Sliding Window 2. Two Pointers *Key Takeaways:* - Efficiently solved using sliding window technique - Optimized solution with two pointers - Time Complexity: O(n) - Space Complexity: O(1) *Reflection:* This problem helped me solidify my understanding of sliding window techniques and optimized solutions. *Next Goal:* Continue pushing through the challenge and exploring more complex problems! #DSA #Algorithms #CodingChallenge #90DayChallenge #ProblemSolving #SoftwareDevelopment #CareerGrowth