Great to see the Legal sector performing well and continuing to help drive economic growth in the UK. Check out that story along with a selection of other key legal news stories from the last seven days in the latest edition of The Legal Week That Was #TLWTW from Laurence Simons #Lawyers #LegalNews #LaurenceSimons
Welcome to the start of another week, with it the latest edition of The Legal Week That Was #TLWTW, brought to you by Laurence Simons. This week we are starting with moves, and it was quite the week for moves, as such we can't list them all, below you'll find some key moves reported over the last 7 days: Sidley Austin LLP Private Equity duo exit for A&O Shearman as they continue to grow out its City practice. Clifford Chance loses its second tech partner in London in as many months. An internal move sees a 'Changing of the Guard' at Latham & Watkins with Ed Barnett stepping into the role of managing partner, congratulations Ed from the team at Laurence Simons. A&O Shearman to Cull partnership by 10%. Setting out its post-merger integration plans, which include closing one of its global offices and reducing its partnership by 10% by the end of the financial year. Out-of-hours working was in the news in Australia, with Lawyers getting the 'Right to Disconnect' after hours, the question remains, will they? This week we are finishing with a positive news story as the UK Top 50 Firms have a record-breaking year, with revenue and profits both up. The top 50 firms ranked by global revenue generated a total of £33.4bn last year, up by 8.4% on the previous year. Don't forget to follow Laurence Simons for next week's edition of #TLWTW. #PrivatePractice #InHouse #Lawyers #LegalExecutiveSearch #EnrichingCareers