PGH serves the Congolese community in Cuyahoga County. Pumpkin leaves are often used in cooking! ?? Bishusha is a dish traditionally made with pumpkin greens, and the leaves are often boiled to remove their thorny outer layer. Pumpkin plants are drought-resistant, affordable, and easy to grow. They are known to be high in antioxidants, and are particularly sought after by pregnant women and nursing mothers. They contain protein, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus! So this fall, think about cooking those pumpkin leaves from your garden!
Partnership for Good Health的动态
Worried about mercury in seafood? I’m not, here’s why: Fish and seafood are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. They’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and a powerful mineral called selenium. Selenium is not just any mineral - it is a powerhouse that binds to mercury and neutralizes its toxicity. Sounds good to be true? Check this out: The Seychelles Child Development Study looked at the diets of pregnant women. 98% of these women consumed about 106.2 grams of fish regularly, getting about 61.6 micrograms of selenium daily. The study found that this amount of selenium can significantly reduce the toxic effects of mercury and is beneficial during pregnancy. So, if seafood is safe for pregnant women, it’s probably good for you, too. Great choices include anchovies, oysters, herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod, lobster and many more. Source:
Key Difference Between Rolaids Vs. Tums #rolaids - Contains calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, providing fast relief for heartburn and acid indigestion while also addressing magnesium deficiency. #tums - Contains calcium carbonate only, offering quick relief for heartburn and serving as a calcium supplement. For More Info: #diffeology #differencebetween #differences #health #nutrients #drugs
Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, and Broccoli) Rich in vitamin K and vitamin C, leafy greens aid in blood clotting, promoting faster wound healing. Vitamin C is vital for collagen synthesis, which strengthens skin tissue, while vitamin K assists in the body’s ability to clot blood. Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Lemons, and Grapefruits) High in vitamin C, citrus fruits support collagen production, which is essential for forming new skin and tissues. Collagen also helps in the repair of connective tissue, making the wound stronger and less likely to reopen.
Jute is a leafy vegetable which is known as (Ewedu) in yoruba, commonly found in the tropics and subtropics regions. In Asia and Africa, the jute leaves are used for food and durable eco-friendly fibre. The leaves measure between 6 and 10 cm long and are between 3.4 and 5cm broad. It has a slightly bitter taste but has excellent nutritional value. Health Benefits - It is known for boosting immunity and nourishing the body. - It helps to regulate blood pressure. - It contains a high amount of calcium which contributes to having stronger teeth and bones. - Jute plant consists of considerable amount of Vitamin K which is helpful in blood clotting. - Protects eye health. Regular consumption of jute leaves slow down eyes aging. - It aids easy digestion. - Ewedu is good for weight loss, helps to fight off stress and heart disease. - Ewedu can also aid easy delivery in pregnant women. Side Effects Ewedu leaf is generally safe to consume but can cause mild side effects if they are not properly cleaned and cooked. There are some bacteria in Ewedu, and they are very dangerous if it goes into the body. They can cause some symptoms such as stomachache, diarrhea, constipation and other diseases in the body. To prevent these side effects; - We need to carefully wash our ewedu leaf and ensure it's cleans before eating it. - We need to ensure the leaves are cooked properly to eliminate any potential bacteria or parasite.
Do you know about Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Omega-3 fatty acids are nutritious unsaturated fats that are naturally found in fish such as herring, salmon and tuna. Among plants, flax is perhaps the best source for omega-3 fatty acids, though avocados and broccoli also have small traces of this important nutrient. Omega-3 acids have important nutrients needed in the body as you age. Older adult who are considering taking Omega-3 acids should first check with a healthcare provider to ensure that it is safe for them. Hope you find these useful? #yahwehyasad #yynhome #caregiverinabuja #caregiver #elderlysupport #dementiapatient #healthyaging #seniorwellness #dementiacare
My topic still the same the cherry . . . Did you know consuming regularly fruits which are rich in antioxidants can help you stay young ? :) Do not forget to eat your antioxidants . . . do not rely only on anti aging creams. . make yourself young from inside also . . #cherry #interestinginfo #stayyoung #notjustcreams #developwithfreshzone #learnwithfreshzone
Things to be done during this rainy season in Uganda on your dragon fruit orchard; Do the daily check up of your orchard, make some trenches through your garden in case your garden is on a hilly area to control on the speed of running water to erode away the soil, use the weeded grass from the garden to cover up your dragon fruit plant, pile soil surrounding your dragon fruit plant. Brief importance of a dragon fruit to a human being once eaten; 1. *Rich in Vitamins and Minerals* 2. *Antioxidant Properties* 3. *Boosts Immune System* 4. *Supports Healthy Digestion* 5. *May Help Lower Cholesterol* 6. *Anti-Inflammatory Properties* 7. *Supports Healthy Skin* 8. *Low in Calories* 9. *Supports Healthy Hair and Nails* 10. *Versatile and Delicious* Feel free to ask any question about dragon fruit farming; how to get the cuttings or seedlings and to mention.
Nutrilite? Kids Brainiums DHA? Jelly Splat NORMALLY “SPLAT” AND “BRAINS” DON’T GO WELL TOGETHER – But this time they do. Our one-a-day, sugar-free jelly splat has Omega 3s to support brain health? in your little ones from sustainably sourced fish and organic chia seed oil from plants grown on our Nutrilite? partner farms. Scrumptious, fun Brainiums for kids. No brains are growing faster than your kids. That's why adding our Nutrilite Brainiums DHA Jelly Splats full of Omega 3s to support young brain health? is a total no brainer Just fill your brain with these facts: Omega 3s to support brain health? 250mg DHA, 50mg EPA, 25mg ALA Only one jelly splat / day Sugar-free DHA and EPA from sustainably sourced fish ALA from traceable organic chia seed oil from chia grown on a Nutrilite? partner farm, traced from seedling to supplement, so you know it’s clean and safe
Our topic still the same the cherry . . . Did you know consuming regularly fruits which are rich in antioxidants can help you stay young ? :) Do not forget to eat your antioxidants . . . do not rely only on anti aging creams. . make yourself young from inside also . . #cherry #interestinginfo #stayyoung #notjustcreams #developwithfreshzone #learnwithfreshzone