Hundreds of cold cases have been solved using forensic investigative genetic genealogy (AKA FIGG or IGG). FIGG mines public genealogy websites (i.e. Family Tree, 23 and Me, etc.) and to my knowledge has only been around for law enforcement use for the past ten years or so. My Phoenix PD cold case team successfully used FIGG on a host of cases to include our first and a massive one in 2014 (i.e. the Phoenix canal murders and apprehension of Bryan Miller “The Zombie Hunter” with the help of Dr. Colleen Fitzpatrick). Combine FIGG with another vital tool which is familial DNA testing (note: sadly only 12 states currently use it) and law enforcement is much better suited to provide delayed justice to victims and their families. Familial DNA, as opposed to FIGG, involves looking at the CODIS DNA database of arrested and convicted offenders for relationships.
We need to ask leaders in those states not using familial DNA (38 states) why they don’t have it up and running. We also need to push leaders and law enforcement to use one or both techniques on cold cases with critical evidence just sitting idle in the DNA system. Please remember, Cold Cases Matter? and to never give up on these victims and their families!