Roche has pushed through so-called "pilot purgatory" and rolled out artificial intelligence solutions in the real world. Two of its data leaders describe three case studies: By Yiming Peng and Margaux Penwarden, Roche
Outsourced Pharma的动态
Pharmaceutical companies are both blessed and burdened by a wide variety of data sources. Here's a fascinating white paper [PDF] authored by my colleague, Sanjay Padhi, outlining the value of a Harmonizing Data Mesh and Generative AI across all data domains in Pharma and Life Sciences. #datamesh #genai #clinicaltrials
From Data to Discovery: How powered by GenAI Transforms Clinical Trials
Join ZS’s Joshua Hattem on Wednesday, Aug. 28, for a panel discussion on how AI can take the uncertainty out of a risky drug development process. Perfect for professionals across the industry, this event will feature methods and strategies that our experts have already put into the real world:
#AI-enabled technologies are transforming different parts of the #biopharma industry value chain and creating new business opportunities. Explore Deloitte's collection of content surrounding biopharma industry trends with a focus on AI in biopharma.
AI In Biopharma Collection | Deloitte Insights
Thoughts on this? >> Endpoints Post-Hoc: Our latest newsletter featuring biotech insights and analysis >> Comment below! >>> #strategy #competitiveintelligence #marketing #healthcare #biotech #pharma #pharmaceutical #productmarketing
Introducing Post-Hoc: Our latest newsletter with analysis and insights
Thoughts on this? >> David Baker's lab releases new AI tools for studying and making proteins >> Comment below! >>> #strategy #competitiveintelligence #marketing #healthcare #pharmaceutical #productmarketing #pharma #biotech
David Baker's lab releases new protein design and study tools as AI race accelerates
Thoughts on this? >> David Baker's lab releases new AI tools for studying and making proteins >> Comment below! >>> #strategy #competitiveintelligence #marketing #healthcare #pharma #productmarketing #biotech #pharmaceutical
David Baker's lab releases new protein design and study tools as AI race accelerates
The first ever Life Sciences AI Summit sponsored by the American Conference Institute?(ACI) is happening next week (Feb. 21-22) at the New York City Bar Association. I will be speaking with?Lora Spencer?in a segment titled "The Power of AI in Drug Discovery and Medical Device/Diagnostic Advancement: Preparing for Potential Legal Liabilities." We will provide illustrative examples of how AI is being used in the healthcare and biopharmaceutical fields and discuss the best practices for companies to mitigate risks while protecting innovations. Please join us. #artificialintelligence?#lifesciences?#innovation?#ai
Life Sciences AI Summit
Thoughts on this? >> Endpoints Post-Hoc: Our latest newsletter featuring biotech insights and analysis >> Comment below! >>> #strategy #competitiveintelligence #marketing #pharma #healthcare #biotech #pharmaceutical #productmarketing
Introducing Post-Hoc: Our latest newsletter with analysis and insights
Excellent short interview with key points I fully agree with :) We can take the pharma industry to the next level only if we can reduce dramatically the costs per treatment by leveraging better molecules screening and reducing dramatically the costs of clinical trials. One sentence :" The thing that is going to be transformed most in our industry, I am very sure, is productivity in R&D. Drug pricing today has to cover the cost of failure — 90% of stuff doesn’t work. It costs billions" For sure the whole industry and in particular Biotech and C> can do (must do) much better than that. Only when we have leveraged the best of AI, better processes and technologies with leaner and faster drug developments, can we really enter a real new phase of the industry. #lean #pharma #drugdevelopment #R&D #AI #productivity
GSK CEO Emma Walmsley on the new Trump administration, trust, AI and China
?? Curious about the impact of AI on clinical trials?? ? So are we!?? That’s why we’re bringing together industry experts for a special pharma event. Share your insights into how #AI is transforming clinical trials from project management to site monitoring to data analysis. ?? ?? Be part of the conversation. Join us at CXO Pharma Panel in Montreal ? #clinicalresearch #event #pharmainnovation #makedatamatter??