Old Town Fairfax Business Association的动态

The 2024 4th Annual Asian Festival on Main Committee is grateful each year for the volunteers who help us provide a fun, safe, and family-friendly event to the City of Fairfax! If you are interested in becoming a festival volunteer or if you have a business looking for your team to give back to the community, please click on the link in the comments, and our festival Volunteer Coordinator will reach out to you directly. We are so very filled with gratitude by the generosity of the time and energy of our festival volunteers! This event is hosted by the Old Town Fairfax Business Association. #asianfestivalonmain2024 #volunteer #joinus #energy #creatives #artistic #talent #community #aanhpi #asianculture #giving #asiantraditions @asianfestivalonmain @oldtownfairfaxba

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