This Veterans Day, we at Ossian Smoked Meats want to express our deepest gratitude to all those who have served our country. Your sacrifices and dedication have allowed us to enjoy the freedoms we hold dear. Thank you.
Ossian Smoked Meats Corp.的动态
Honoring our nation's heroes today. Thank you to all veterans for your service, bravery, and sacrifice. We are grateful for your dedication to protecting our freedoms. #VeteransDay #PromotingMe #HelpingPeopleBecomeBrands #MakeANameForYourself #abrandcalledyou #StrategyDevelopment #DigitalMarketing #Branding #personalbranding #BrandingSuccess #BusinessStrategy
Happy Veterans Day! Honoring our veterans today and every day. ???? Nationwide Studios is grateful for the courage, dedication, and sacrifices of all who have served to protect our freedoms. Today, we remember and thank you for your service. ?? ?? ?? #veteransday #thankaveteran #honoringourheroes #supportourtroops #militaryappreciation #veteransday2024 #rememberandhonor #nationwidestudios #legacystudios #teddybearportraits #nationwidestudios
As you spend time with family and friends this Memorial Day weekend, take a moment to reflect on the tremendous sacrifices of our military heroes. Their legacy lives on in the lives we are able to live freely. ???? #ctinsuranceexchangeofsouthington #ctinsuranceprofessionals #ctinsurance #memorialday #thankyouforyourservice #rememberandhonor #neverforget #rememberthefallen #memorialday2024
Today, as we honor Memorial Day, let's also recognize the single parents who serve or have served in our armed forces. Balancing parenting duties with the call of duty requires immense courage and resilience.? To all military single parents, your strength and sacrifices inspire us daily. How are you reflecting on this day of remembrance? #journeyreimagine #singleparenting #singleparentlife #singleparentsupport #singleparentcoach
Veterans with mobility issues through being wounded, injured, illness or age, deserve to be able to travel with dignity, not be manhandked on and off aircraft like a sack of potatoes, risking injury, or death. They deserve to know their wheelchairs will not be damaged during a flight or during loading and unloading. United Airlines had the opportunity to have its replacement fleet accessible but chose not do. Janet do not wait for legislation that could force your airline to be accessible but show some humanity and humility to not only disabled veterans but all mobility disabled people, first by starting discussions with your aircraft manufacturers to make accessibility a priority. #unitedairlines #health #wellbeing #veterans #MemorialDay #AccessibleTravel #Wheelchairs #Disability #Transportation #aviation #AccessibleTourism #PVA #aircraft #accessibility #military #veteransaffairs
This Memorial Day, we remember those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. And to the many veterans, family members and friends of the military who have been impacted by loss and have reason to hold this day close to the heart, including our own United community members, we honor you.
Honoring the bravery and sacrifice of our veterans. Today, we salute those who have served to protect our freedoms. Thank you for your service! #VeteransDay #ThankYouVeterans #HonoringHeroes #ProudToServe #SupportOurTroops #OutlawVacuumServices #FreedomIsntFree #AmericanHeroes #GratefulNation #ServiceAndSacrifice"
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” — Pablo Picasso Some people are always chasing happiness, while others are always happy. The difference? Living with purpose. How? ? Identify a vision that contributes to a greater good. ? Fully align your skills and actions with that vision. ? Create continuous value for others. ? Embrace lifelong learning and view failures as stepping stones. ? Be grateful and mindful to stay grounded. ?? True success, happiness, and fulfillment come from purposeful living. #purpose #service #happiness
Optimist, New York Times bestselling author of "Start with Why" and "The Infinite Game", and founder of The Optimism Company
To live a life with purpose means to serve those who serve others. Thank you to all the veterans and their families for your service and your sacrifices.
This Remembrance Sunday, we pause to honour the courage and sacrifice of those who served in the Armed Forces, defending the freedoms we hold dear. It's a moment to reflect on the deep gratitude we owe to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, as well as to acknowledge the veterans among us who have selflessly served. Across the UK, the percentage of households with a veteran living within varies by region, a testament to the breadth of service. Here’s how it breaks down by area: South West: 10.1% North East: 8.8% Wales: 8.1% East Midlands: 7.9% South East: 7.8% East Anglia: 7.0% North West: 6.9% Scotland: 6.7% West Midlands: 6.5% Yorkshire & Humber: 6.26% London: 2.8% As we observe Remembrance Day, let's take a moment to remember and thank every veteran, and those who sadly never returned, for their bravery and dedication. Each household marked here represents lives shaped by service and sacrifice, a reminder of the commitment that underpins our communities.
Did you know that cats have been involved in warfare for centuries? While horses and dogs may come to mind first, cats have also played a significant role in military history. Today, cats are often used as mascots to boost morale among troops. To learn more about the fascinating history of cats in warfare, check out this article on #NationalCatDay visit
Happiness Vibes that are aligned to life's purpose : Experiencing happiness is a symphony of mind, body & soul. Like an orchestra they create a symphony together ,& the different melodies they generate make us feel happy. As with music we find happiness even in sadness because it creates vibes that invoke memories of the past & that is the reason we love old songs with the feelings of nostalgia that touches every corner of our body, mind & the soul. We start dancing with the feelings remembering the old song"Those were the days my friends I thought they would never end". This old rhythmic song by Mary Hopkins & the Beatles sets the mood & the tone for feelings of empathy that drives happiness even when you are sad. This is reason why we all love music . Indeed life is like a music where even the sadness makes you feel happy & full of joy (that we call "Anand" in Indian culture). So the purpose of life is to create your own music that you love doing in a social setting with mindfulness.
Optimist, New York Times bestselling author of "Start with Why" and "The Infinite Game", and founder of The Optimism Company
To live a life with purpose means to serve those who serve others. Thank you to all the veterans and their families for your service and your sacrifices.