Consultants DeAnne Heersche and Cindy Graves stopped by Orion Education & Training at the Kansas State Department of Education Great Ideas in Education Conference. Come see us this week! #lightingthepathforward #OrionEducation
Orion Education and Training的动态
Stay on top of education policy with our Across the Board series. We recap essential takeaways from the Alabama State Board of Education meeting, summarizing key discussions and decisions. Get the latest updates and insights from the board!
Q&A: Strengthening K-12 and community college relationships David Schuler, executive director of AASA, The School Superintendents Association, discusses the importance of K-12 and community college partnerships, particularly as dual- and concurrent-enrollment programs grow.
Managing special education programs involves addressing complex challenges while providing vital support to both students and staff. In the Special Education Collective, Toni Barton will support charter school special education leaders in tackling some of the biggest questions they face in their work. Watch Toni share some of these questions and more that will be addressed in the Collective. Learn more and apply to join the Special Education Collective here: #Seminar #SpecialEducation #CharterLeaders
About one-quarter of all colleges in the United States are in low-populated, isolated settings – and these educate over 670,000 students. Two-hundred and sixty of these schools are two-year institutions. For this conversation, Jay Halfond talks with Eastern Shore Community College president Jim Shaeffer as he speaks to his experience as a leader in the higher education industry. Read More:
Carl Hendrick Thanks. It's a great find. I'm resharing it, with some of my own notes on this subject, as it may have broader interest. It makes me think that progressive education, as a set of philosophical ideals, smoldered for generations before it caught fire. Jean-Jacques Rousseau's book Emile (1762) is a seminal work in the development of progressive education. It emphasized the value of experiential learning and personal growth over rote memorization.?Rousseau believed that education should be natural and child-centered. Your quote of Parker is from 1875. Progressive education got another boost from John Dewey's 1896 article, The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology, which is also a key contributor to the progressive-education movement. And then in 1921, the following article, A New Movement in Education, by Stanwood Cobb appeared in The Atlantic. In 1918 Cobb was a founding member of The American Progressive Education Association. It seems he hadn't read Emile. He says: "This movement has already been evolving for half a generation [...] "The primary demand of progressive education is more freedom for the child [...] "In a progressive school there are no fixed desks. All the furniture is movable. To form a class, the children draw up their chairs or movable desks around the teacher. [...] "Not only are the seats comfortable and easily adjusted to the pupil’s desire, but the child, in most progressive schools, is free to get up and leave the class if it becomes too irksome. Not that this privilege is often used; but it is there — and if a pupil is restless and unable to give attention, the teacher might even suggest that some form of activity, such as work at the carpentry bench or a run out-of-doors, would be advisable." Greg Ashman PhD
Just reading about US education in the 19th Century and this passage by Francis Wayland Parker from 1875 strikes me as a kind of founding charter for progressive education and what it would become in the 20th century.
State Parent Training and Information Centers exist in all 50 states and are federally funded by U.S. Department of Education. Connecticut State Department of Education is partnering with theirs to ensure families know there is a direct line to contact for special education questions. To learn more or locate a center visit: #familyengagement
In partnership with the CPAC, CSDEs Bureau of Special Education is here to support you with resources, guidance, and answers to all of your questions about special education in Connecticut #SpecialEducationDay
Happy to share that my colleagues and I at University of Oklahoma’s Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education received a half million dollar grant from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to support emergency certified secondary teachers on a path toward full certification. Read more in our pub in the Oklahoma Education Journal here:
In partnership with the CPAC, CSDEs Bureau of Special Education is here to support you with resources, guidance, and answers to all of your questions about special education in Connecticut #SpecialEducationDay
What should we do about secret partnerships? We should bring them to the light! Why? Because one of our top priorities should always be transparency. Don't you agree? If yes, here's one for you - The National Education Association (NEA), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National School Board Association (NSBA) have had a secret partnership for decades. Choose your memberships wisely, friends. #SchoolBoardMembers #StudentsFirst #SchoolBoardTraining #EducationLeadership #BoardMemberTraining #BoardEffectiveness #EducationTraining #SchoolGovernance #BuildingStrongSchoolBoards #EducationPolicy #EducationLeaders #NSBLC #MomsforAmerica #MomsforLiberty