On this #ArmisticeDay, we are delighted to have played our part in these striking tributes to those who fought for our freedom. Carried out by Doncaster Council using our TinyMobileRobots UK #GPSRobots and Impact Paints, over 30 poppies have been painted around the Doncaster area to commemorate this important day. Thank you to the Doncaster Council team for the photos, a special tribute on a special day. #RemembranceDay #OriginAmenitySolutions
Origin Amenity Solutions的动态
BLACK AMERICAN REPARATIONS - EXPUNGING AMERICAS ORIGINAL SIN “Reparations, noun: the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.” (Oxford Languages) During early North-American colonization, Black-Americans were Forcefully Enslaved, for Generations, at the consequence of Death, in North-America, Before, During, and After the creation of the United States of America (U.S.A.), beginning 1619, through 1865. During that timeframe, the “Amerafrican, noun: Indigenous Native-Americans, with Dark-Skin Phenotypes similar to Continental-Africans, who are indigenous to the North, Central, and South Americas, and are now known as, Black-Americans.” (K. I. Abdullah II) https://lnkd.in/gkS3FTtC Along with the Eurasian Native-Americans, who crossed over the Ice Age’s Bering Land Bridge, were hunted down to near extinction, while Most of the Millions of Midland/Sutherland Amerafricans, were rounded up, and Forcefully Bread on farms, over hundreds of years, with the less than 388,000 middle passage surviving Enslaved Africans shipped over from Africa, who were utilized as modern day Architects, Builders, Farmers, Blacksmith’s, Chefs, Housemaids, etc. After the American Civil War, the remaining Eurasian-Native Americans were rounded up, and forced onto reservations via, U.S. Government Treaties, and provided Land, Monthly Restitution Stipends, Possessions, Tax Exemptions, and allowed to continue their means of survival hunting buffalo, while the newly freed illiterate Black-Americans, were Militarily released into Americas wilderness, with no Land, No Money, No Possessions, or means of survival. REPARATIONS: #1. The Eurasian Native-Americans, who attempted to destroy America during their struggles, are Currently receiving Reparations for past American-Inflicted wrongs, while Amerafricans haven’t received a penny. #2. The American Holocaust Claims Processing Office (HCPO), has paid Reparations to Holocaust survivors, while Amerafricans haven’t received a dime. #3. The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 provided a $20,000 cash payment to every Japanese 4-years Internment Camp victim, while Amerafricans haven’t received a smile. #4. The Homestead Act of 1862, allowed “Accepted-Americans”, to claim 160 acres, of surveyed U.S. land for future Inheritance, while Amerafricans looked on from enslavement camps, with Fear, Weariness, Sorrow, and Silence. Now, Reparations is either Justifiable for All, of the aforementioned Americans, or as Usual, ‘The Darkies Don’t Deserve Spit’. P.S. Most Americans are Good, God-Fearing people, Irregardless of Race, Religion, Creed, or Sex, and would Make-Right, the Past-Wrongs, done to Amerafricans. However, there’s still a small group of Knuckle Dragging Degenerates in America ????, who hold, and say ‘To This Day!’, that Amerafricans “Ain’t Deservin Tu Git S#p!t”, as the Tobacco Dip-Drools from their mouths, after slowly spitting it on their shoes, … GEN X, Out!
Bad Boys 2: Opening Shootout Scene (Will Smith, Martin Lawrence HD CLIP)
#Dominique "... a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption." The action flows non-stop. Official Trailer cut by #Clever_Caboose for #Grindstone #Lionsgate. (Posted 9/6/24) Have you been to our website? It's @: clever-caboose.com #movietrailers #filmdistribution #filmmarketing #entertainment #entertainmentmarketing #entertainmentindustry #entertainmentnews
Dominique | Action - Trailer
THE FAWN is a PSA from UNITED SENSE OF AMERICA. The film graphically underscores that assault weapons, designed for war, are unnecessary for sports hunting and should not be in schools. "The film, painful and unavoidable, forces the viewer to imagine someone else’s finger on the trigger and something else as its target. While the scene itself is graphic, the messaging is a matter of fact. There simply is no defensible reason or excuse for assault weapons being necessary for sports hunting in our society. Weapons of war are designed for a battlefield, not our children’s schools." Director: Rubberband. Executive Producers: Patrick Milling Smith ? Sue Yeon Ahn Producer: Manny Caston Colorist: Yerlan Tanayev Production Company: Smuggler WARNING: Contains violent imagery and may be upsetting to some viewers. https://lnkd.in/dmXnqtsD
The Fawn
When John Howard introduced gun reform to Australia after the Port Arthur massacre, the Objectivists in parts of the United States saw it as an opportunity to work with Howard and successive Australian politicians to overthrow Australia's democracy via a parliamentary constitutional coup over water rights. That's how we ended up with a massive greenwashing exercise with the Murray Darling Basin and the loss of rights to freedom (top quality, affordable food security) for tens of millions of Australians ... right wing extremists within the Five Eyes have taken advantage of Howard's decision ... including by bribing Marxists in the Australian Labor Party by allowing superannuation funds to compete directly against Australian families in our retail housing, farmland and water rights. That's how we ended up with a human trafficking operation with tens of thousands of undocumented horticulture workers in Northern Victoria providing an illegal labour force to the horticulture industry for the purpose of stripping and laundering the assets of Australian dairy farming families, to block Aboriginal tribes' constitutional rights to water including as validated by the Mabo and Wik decisions of the High Court of Australia, and for the purpose of stripping the constitutional rights to freedom of tens of millions of Australian families. For those on the extreme right who believe in slavery, everyday Australians became fair game. I'm not suggesting a restoration of our gun rights. What I am suggesting is that it is in our national interest for the government and our security services to drop the gag orders so we can expose to voters how politicians and security services betrayed the legitimate interests of tens of millions of Australians. With the truth about what they did, the ballot box will be power enough to restore our freedom and democracy. Here's an analysis of what happened after Howard stripped Australians of our gun rights (which I support, providing we don't end up with a foreign parasite controlling our politics via a Five Eyes relationship) ... it explains how John Howard and subsequent Australian politicians attempted to strip the assets of the East Timorese and then successfully stripped the assets of tens of millions of Australians - https://lnkd.in/e4etvTV3 . https://lnkd.in/ezrEVMGA
Patriot Day is a time to reflect, remember, and serve. As we pause to honor those who were lost and the heroes who responded, we commit to never forgetting and to making a difference in our communities. #ProShine #Softwash #RoofWashing #HouseWashing #GutterCleaning #WindowCleaning #CleaningServices #ExteriorCleaning #HomeMaintenance
Yesterday, on Patriot Day, we honored the lives lost on September 11, 2001. The beams of light shining from the memorial serve as a powerful symbol of remembrance and hope. As they illuminate the sky, they remind us of the resilience and unity that emerged from tragedy. Let’s carry that light forward, standing together in strength. This photo was taken by one of our colleagues that was in New York City yesterday. #ColoradoSprings #PropertyManagement #ColoradoSpringsPropertyManagement #ColoradoSpringsRealEstate #GalvanAndGardner #LandlordProbs #Landlord #RealEstateInvestor #RealEstate #PropertyInvestor #CoSprings #My_CoSprings
The Safe Library Tip #27, with Layla and me. Within the concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), there is an overarching security idea known as being a "Capable Guardian." This is where we we use all possible resources to protect our buildings, our staff, and the customers we serve, including cameras, burglar, fire, and panic alarms, key cards, better door locks, and safe rooms. Have you maximized every security resource to keep your library, your collections, your colleagues, and your patrons safe? Do we train all employees on building security and safety, as often as we can? That's what Capable Guardians do. #libraries #librarians #TheSafeLibrary @TheSafeLibrary www.Library2.0.com https://lnkd.in/gqnZpfjn
Tip #27 Capable Guardians