What's the election mean for care in the home? @Axxess and the National Alliance for Care at Home held a webinar yesterday to discuss it. Here is valuable media coverage: https://lnkd.in/ejTkg4nx
National Association for Home Care & Hospice的动态
We?wanted to remind you that Idaho’s primary election day is being held on Tuesday, May 21st. We highly encourage you to get out and vote. Research and get to know who is running in your legislative district. Reach out to the IHCA office and we can explain how to find what district you are in. If you don’t vote and you complain about what the legislature does, we don’t know what to tell you. You have to get involved. We care about legislators. We ask them to help us to pay for Medicaid that reimburses facilities and home care agencies. Without that we are stuck for two more years. There is an election every two years for every legislator. There are some really great legislators running for re-election that we want back. I’ve got a list of legislators that our association has supported, and we will give a shout out for those candidates. Most importantly, get involved. Find out who is running in your area. Give a check to those who you support. Have them come to visit your place of work. They want to meet voters. If they can come to your facility and meet many people at once, they would love that. Your residents and staff would love to meet the candidates. Even if you’re not endorsing a candidate as an employer, at least have your team and residents get to know them. To help your residents vote, you’ll need to start doing absentee ballots now or be willing to help them get to the place where they can vote. We need to be involved because if you are not, then you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. Thank you everyone. We appreciate you!?To learn more about election information visit?https://voteidaho.gov/ #longtermcare?#voteidaho?#seniorliving?#seniors Robert Vande Merwe Dana Leavitt
The general election is welcome news to many. The announcement was quickly followed by the publication of NHS England’s pre-election guidance (link in comments), which reminds us of the need for NHS bodies to be politically impartial and to avoid actions that might distract from or influence any election campaign. Public consultations on proposals for service change are often contentious and politically sensitive, so it’s no surprise the guidance tells us to: - not to launch a public consultation unless it’s essential,? - stop promoting live consultations and plan to extend them once the election is over, and? - not to publish the responses to a consultation until after the election. For colleagues working on service reconfigurations these restrictions can be at the same time a welcome extension and an irksome delay in tight timelines. Planned well, the pre-election period is an ideal chance to do the background work needed to launch an involvement exercise, or to analyse and report on the findings of an exercise that’s recently finished. We've been hearing from programme managers frustrated that the election will cause a delay in finely-tuned governance timetables and asking what they can do to grab some time back. Some of those timetables have been planned in detail to make sure decisions can be made and operationalised before winter pressures start building. That's a powerful driver that can lead to the temptation to cut corners in an attempt to absorb these extra six weeks. A proper process is a transparent process and the challenge of the pre-election period is that very little can happen in public. So, just as it's important to extend consultations that have been interrupted by the election, it’s important to make sure you allow enough time to go through the proper processes once the election is over. Inflexible timetables can be kryptonite to safe process. Really interested to hear how the pre-election period has affected your service reconfiguration work. Is it welcome or an inconvenience? Image by?John Mounsey via Pixabay
Attention Avant Mutual Members You would have received an email recently from Avant Mutual indicating that it is election time again.?I will include the Avant Web page which includes the voting link for the 2024 Avant Elections below. Even if you have never voted before, it is important that you put aside some time this time, to exercise the opportunity to deliver the best outcome for Avant.? A number of excellent individuals have offered their services to guide Avant at board level.?A Board Election Committee has assessed all candidates against the experience and capabilities required to govern and oversee the execution of Avant’s strategic objectives and business plans.?The Committee has made a recommendation to the Board. To assist you in your choice of candidate, in turn, the Avant Mutual Board has endorsed a number of candidates who, it believes, have the most appropriate experience and capabilities and/or provide additional diversity of representation to serve as Directors of the Avant Mutual Board. To be clear, even though I am currently Chairman of the Board of Avant Mutual Group Limited and because I am offering myself for re-election, I was not part of the Board Election Committee and was not present for the Board deliberations to endorse the selected candidates. I look forward to the result of the election. Here is that link - it will take you to the 2024 page but there is a personalised link in the email sent to you directly. https://lnkd.in/g3Ff4UXu Dr Steve Hambleton AM Mbbs Fracgp (hon) FAICD Chairman Avant Mutual Group Limited Member of the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce Implementation Oversight Committee Specialist Adviser – Australian Digital Health Agency Co-Chaiman of the Clinical Reference Group “Share by default”
2022 Avant Mutual Board
The general election so far has been unusual to say the least. A snap election that has led to a campaign that has seemed to last forever. Ongoing allegations of sleaze and campaigning missteps that have dogged the Conservatives. Labour behaving more like a government than an opposition. But above all, we are seeing enormous apathy towards politics and politicians. That's hardly surprising. We've been through the financial crash, austerity, three constitutional referendums, Brexit, Covid and the cost of living crisis, which Putin initiated, but Liz Truss made substantially worse. People want to see improved public services and enhanced prospects. Politics should serve the national need, not add to the sense of perma-crisis. People have had enough. The irony of all of this is that Nigel Farage is set to benefit from the anti-politics sentiment, which also swept Boris Johnson to power. Yet these people are the cause of the problems that they are now claiming to solve. They enormously over promised during the Brexit campaign, and have spectacularly underdelivered. Does anyone remember the NHS bus? Brexit could never live up to the expectations these people established, yet they don't take the blame. Worse than that, they are now being relied on to change things. They are behaving like an arsonist offering buckets of water to put out the fire they started.? The UK faces complex problems which will require considered long term solutions, not quick fixes. As voters, we should all be very careful of any politician that tells us that they can turn things around because of their vision and charisma. If it looks too good to be true, and smells to good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. The anti-politics folk, who are peddling magic beans, are doing far more damage than the political classes that they are trying to displace.
Healthcare policy expert and technology leader. Healthcare and technology investor. Co-Founder/Chief Solutions Officer, Lilac Software. Healthcare blogger/podcast host. Author, The Healthcare Labyrinth. Ukraine blogger.
The 5/23 Healthcare Labyrinth Blog is now live. Click below to read. In today's blog, I give you the low-down on where the presidential and congressional elections stand about five months out and why healthcare issues could be pivotal in deciding outcomes. #healthcare #healthcarereform #healthinsurance The Healthcare Labyrinth Marc S. Ryan ????
Election Update And The Potential Role of Healthcare Issues - The Healthcare Labyrinth
Public Diplomacy Strategies | Public Policy Researcher and Analyst | Strategic Communications Advisor | Experienced Editor | French-to-English Legal Translator
"The truth bomb too many Democrats need to hear | Opinion" -- #TheTakers #smartnews "So listen to me, you haughty, Democratic know-nothings, I have seen what the majority of white voters want because of WHAT THEY TAKE: -They TAKE Social Security and Medicare. -They TAKE the recent cuts in the obscenely high drug prices. -They TAKE the higher wages and better-paying jobs. -They TAKE the high-paying union jobs. -They TAKE the money from the America Rescue Plan. -They TAKE the money for disaster relief. -They TAKE the millions of jobs from the once-in-a-century Infrastructure Law. -The TAKE the good-paying jobs and starter money from the CHIPS and Science Act. -They TAKE the healthcare that doesn’t penalize people for pre-existing conditions. -They TAKE the childcare tax credits. -They TAKE the free lunches for their children, so they don’t go hungry. "-They TAKE the new broadband Internet access. -They TAKE all of these things and much, much more than good-hearted Democrats have worked hard to provide them during this administration and the decades before. Me? I support the party that is providing these whining babies all this because it is the right thing to do, even if they refuse to grow up and get the f--- out of their own way to see it. I am not remotely wealthy, but I gladly pay a s----ton more taxes living in the suburbs here in Wisconsin than these brainwashed babies do in the country so that THEY can benefit. Now I ask YOU: WHAT DO THEY GIVE PEOPLE LIKE ME????????? I’ll wait … You know, I see their giant f------?Trump?signs stuck hard in the farm fields in my state and wonder just what it in the hell it is they could possibly be thinking about. If the fascist, orange goon they supported follows through and runs undocumented and “lesser-thans” out of this country those farms they own will most certainly die. Worse. They know it. They know full well those farms can only exist because of the labor our new immigrants provide and the government subsidies they have been receiving from me (us) forever. That on one hand they need these folks (and funds) to operate, and the other, still support the man who campaigned on running them out of this country, is some of the most hardcore bigotry I have ever heard of. And our Democratic leadership wants us to try to wrap our heads around THAT? The truth is these people support the America-attacking blowhard because he stirs their cold blood. He makes them feel good about looking backward instead of at all the possibilities ahead. He makes them feel good about thinking they are the only thing that matters and that they have somehow been cheated out of their dark, empty lives. They aren’t garbage. They are actually worse than that: They are selfish."
The truth bomb too many Democrats need to hear | Opinion (Raw Story)
What's going on with Baby-Boomers in BC? According to Global BC Polls, the older Baby-Boomer generation is expected to support the Eby-NDP government in the upcoming election. Way back when in 2001, the NDP of the time had finally pissed-off the Baby-boomers which resulted in an BC Liberal landslide election with 77 seats going Liberal and only 2 going to the NDP. This included the all NDP strong holds losing at the time. The narrative was pretty much the same story as today's Eby-NDP. It's hard to believe the the angry-pissed-off Baby-boomers of the 2001 election would vote in the quote "Devil they know" Eby-NDP government this coming election? Just based on the facts and key performance indicators, this current government is WORSE than the NDP government voted in 1996. So Baby-boomers, where's the 2001 fiery passion? Are you getting too old and set in your ways? Are you content with the "Devil you know" or do you still have some passion to see some real great change and opportunity for BC? I don't think Baby-boomers are content with the Eby-NDP government! I think this group is better than that! Your choice folks.....
For most of us, we don’t think about social care or the NHS unless we really have to. So how will the general election impact vulnerable people in The UK? Here’s the key take-aways.
With the general election on all of our lips, we have looked at what promises the two main political parties are making to help vulnerable people in our community. So what have they promised? https://lnkd.in/eWgPPZhm
Election pledges for vulnerable people
LAST CHANCE to register and join us TODAY for our live Medicare Webinar at 2:00pm ET hosted by Nordwand Capital and Healthpilot Technologies. We’ll dive into how to navigate Medicare plan enrollment, upcoming plan changes, and key tips to optimize your plan elections. Whether you're enrolling for the first time or reviewing your coverage, this live session will provide crucial insights to help you and your family. You can register and watch the webinar live here: https://lnkd.in/eAkiYcsY #Medicare #MedicareWebinar #MedicarePartb #MedicareEnrollment #MedicareOpenEnrollment #OpenEnrollent #OpenEnrollmentWebinar #NordwandCapital #Healthpilot