How do we protect bilingual students? Work to translate policy and practice into real-world initiatives that transform classrooms for the benefit of bilingual learners & educators. Join our partners NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION FOR BILINGUAL EDUCATION INC for their annual conference. NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION FOR BILINGUAL EDUCATION INC's 47th Annual Conference: Reaffirming Policy to Transform Practice and Action in Bilingual Education seeks to provide participants with professional development focusing on successful, research-based practices that strengthen the academic and socio-emotional development of our bilingual/multilingual and immigrant-origin students. Register or learn more about NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION FOR BILINGUAL EDUCATION INC's 47th Annual Conference, here: #NYUMetroCenter #NYUSteinhardt #NYSABE #BilingualEducation #Conference #Practice #policy #ProfessionalDevelopment #research #nultilingual #immigrantoriging #students #academicdevelopment #socioemotionaldevelopment #learners #ecuators #NewYork #NYS #youth #families #caregivers #teachers