Join NPACE in Cape Cod for a 4-day Pharmacology and Primary Care conference! Don't miss out on earning your CE right on the beach at one of our most popular locations! Earn 20+ CE credits learning from expert speakers including Mimi Secor, Amelie Hollier, Wendy Wright & more. Have access to all content 90 days post event to earn your CE on your timeline. Topics to be covered include: - Dermatology - PCOS Updates - CKD Management - Eating Disorders & Depression - + more Reserve your stay now before it's too late at the beautiful Seacrest resort in Falmouth, MA. Get to walk to the conference each morning along the beach and unwind with the ocean sounds at night. Register today! #NP #nursepractitioner #APRN #continuingnursingeducation #continuingmedicaleducation #npconferences #nursepractitionerconferences #inpersonconferences #npeducation #2025CE #2025npconference #CEcredit